Jesus' Coming Back

Street Preacher Arrested, Called Racist By U.K. Police While Preaching about Salvation

Street Preacher Arrested, Called Racist By U.K. Police While Preaching about Salvation

A United Kingdom street preacher was called a “racist” and told to “go away” before police arrested him for “breaching the peace.”

According to WND, an un-named street preacher was standing outside of the Southgate Station London N14, when two police officers asked him what he was doing and then ordered him to leave. 

A video of the incident posted to Twitter by EyeOnAntisemitism shows one officer approach the man and ask, “What are you doing here?”

As the street preacher hugged his bible, he told the officer he was preaching.

The officer responded saying, “You’re preaching… I’m gonna require you to go away.” 

When the man refused to stop sharing the word of God, the officer told him, “Okay, then I will arrest you.” 

The Christian preacher told the officer that he could not leave because he needed to share the truth of salvation with the people.

The officer responded saying, “I appreciate that, but nobody wants to listen to that. They want you to go away,” Fox News reports.

As a second officer arrived on the scene, the pair arrested the street pastor and stripped his Bible from his hand. As the preacher peacefully ask the second officer not to take his Bible, the officer commented, “You should have thought about that before you decided to be racist.”

According to WND, Police approached the man after someone complained that he was being Islamophobic. 

The Barnabas Fund reports that before police arrived, the preacher was verbally assaulted by a man who appeared to be Muslim, and it is likely that this confrontation triggered a complaint.

According to Christian Today, the man was later released.

Photo courtesy: King S. Church International/Unsplash

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