Lynne Patton: ‘Racist’ Rashida Tlaib Played ‘Race Card’: ‘That Is Not the Resume of a Prop’

Lynne Patton, the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) official who formerly worked for the Trump organization, blasted Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Wednesday evening for playing “a race card” against Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) during Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony. Patton also emphatically said that she does not have “the Resume of a prop.”
“Today a race card was played,” Patton posted on Instagram. “But not by Congressman Mark Meadows. But rather by those on the House Oversight Committee who sadly placed more credence on the word of a self-confessed convicted perjurer, than that of a highly-educated black woman who rose up the ranks of one of the most recognized global real-estate companies in the world, spoke before 25 million people at the Republican National Convention and now successfully oversees the largest HUD program office in the country.”
Thursday on Fox News, Patton said Tlaib was also “racist” for believing a “self-confessed perjurer and criminally convicted white man” over a “black female who’s highly educated, rose up through the ranks of one of the most competitive companies in real estate, spoke before 25 million at the Republican National Convention, and now works in one of the most historic administrations in history.”
“That’s more racist than being put up there as a prop,” Patton said.
Tlaib blasted Meadows on Wednesday for committing a “racist act,” accusing him of using Patton as a “prop” to show that President Donald Trump is not a racist.
“Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black people working for them, does not mean they aren’t racist,” Tlaib said. “And it is even insensitive, some would even say the fact that someone would even use a prop, a black woman in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself.”
Patton also ripped those who said she was a “prop,” saying, “that is not the resume of a prop.”
“It is, however, the resume of someone who remains completely unfazed by the criticism of others and laser focused,” she continued.
After Meadows responded by telling Tlaib that “it’s racist to suggest” that he was using Patton as a “prop,” Tlaib clarified the record, saying she was not calling Meadows “a racist.” But she insisted that Meadows still committed “a racist act” even though she was not referring to him as a “racist.”
“To my colleague, Mr. Meadows, that was not my intention. I do apologize if that’s what it sounded like,” Tlaib said. “But I said ‘someone’ in general. As everybody knows in this chamber, I’m pretty direct, so if I wanted to say that I would have but that’s not what I said.”
Patton said that the day “was simply about one longtime employee disputing the testimony of another longtime employee who both know the President extremely well. Period.”
“Since the release of my viral video in May 2015, those who know me can confirm that my steadfast narrative about the Trump family has not changed,” Patton said on Instagram. “The only one of us whose narrative has changed is the one facing significant jail time. Period.My presence today was to remind Michael Cohen that honesty and integrity still matter.”
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