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US plans to buy arms incl mortars in E. Europe, send them close to Venezuela border – Moscow

Washington plans to buy weapons including mortars and portable air-defense systems in an Eastern European country and send them close to Venezuela’s border, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said citing internal sources.

It looks like the US is considering a military intervention in Venezuela, Moscow’s top diplomat said during a press conference with Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez on Friday. In this scenario, Washington would be buying arms in Eastern Europe and sending them via cargo plane to locations near Venezuela’s borders.

According to the information that we have, in the upcoming future the US is planning to buy light weapons, mortars, air-defense systems and other arms in one of the Eastern European countries and send it close to Venezuela using an airline from one of the Post-Soviet states absolutely loyal to Washington.

On Thursday, Washington proposed a UNSC draft resolution blaming President Nicolas Maduro for causing an “economic collapse” in the country and calling for new elections. The bid was vetoed by Russia and China who accused the US of interfering in Venezuela’s internal affairs. A rival Russian draft also failed.

Also on Russian, US resolutions on Venezuela fail at UN Security Council

The US has openly supported Venezuelan National Assembly leader Juan Guaido who proclaimed himself interim president in January following violent clashes on the streets of Caracas.

Venezuela’s opposition is also backed by US’ Latin American allies as well as many European countries including the UK, Germany, France, and Spain. Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and a number of other countries stand by Maduro who was re-elected in 2018. Supporters of both the president and the opposition leader rallied in Caracas over the past weeks.

Also on US amasses special ops in Puerto Rico, army in Colombia to oust Maduro – Russian Security Council

In February, US president Donald Trump confirmed that military intervention in the conflict-torn country is “an option.” In response, Maduro said that his country is prepared for the “David against Goliath” fight and hinted that the military adventure could become the next Vietnam for Washington.

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