Jesus' Coming Back

Jeff Bezos Admits Darwinistic Views, Says That The Future Of The Human Race Is In Space And “Population Control” Is Necessary

In July 2018, exposed an exclusive story about connection between artificial intelligence, the new darwinism, and science fiction, where major billionaires, scientists, and government were preparing for the “next phase” of human evolution where mankind would “evolve” through the use of genetic technologies into, in the words of Peter Diamandis, an “interplanetary species.”

Billionaire Jeff Bezos of fame has been connected to this movement through his support of the Long Now Foundation, an obscure group in San Francisco who believes in a darwinian future that focuses on “long-term” thinking, and to that is planning for a future in the thousands of years from now. They have undertaken a series of projects, most notably of which is the construction of a two massive clocks, one of which is located on Jeff Bezo’s personal estate in West Texas which he generously donated for use to the Long Now Foundation.

It is clear that Bezos believes in some kind of darwinism, but the details of this have been lacking for some time. However, some more of this picture has been filled by a recent interview where he said that part of his work on his space exploration company, Blue Origin, pertains to the future of humanity, where he believes the human race will leave planet Earth and colonize the stars, and will need to do this based on the assumption that Earth will not last forever and may be destroyed, and so the future will involve population control :

Foust: You have a big vision of millions of people working and living in space. So there’s got to be more steps beyond — what’s down the road?

Bezos: I already talked a little bit about unleashing entrepreneurialism in space, and that is really critical. If you look even further beyond that, or ask a big question, “Why do we need to go to space? Why do humans need to go to space? What’s that all about?” I think that is a very useful question to ponder.
My answer is a little different from the answer that I think you hear sometimes more commonly. One thing I find very un-motivating is the kind of “Plan B” argument, where the Earth gets destroyed, where you want to be somewhere else. That I find very little… It doesn’t work for me.

We have sent robotic probes now to every planet in this solar system, and this is the best one. My friends who want to move to Mars? I say, “Do me a favor, go live on the top of Mount Everest for a year first, and see if you like it — because it’s a garden paradise compared to Mars.”

(He added that his vision is to move heavy industry and energy generation off-Earth. That way our planet starts pristine and we don’t have to suffer through shortages and rationing as populations grow and people increasingly live first-world lifestyles.)

Bezos: We want to go to space to protect this planet. That’s why the company’s named Blue Origin — it’s the blue planet that’s where we’re from. But we also don’t want to face a civilization of stasis, and that is the real issue if we just stay on this planet — that’s the long-term issue.

This planet is actually finite. People have been predicting that the planet is finite for a long time, and they’ve always been wrong, seemingly. You can go back decades and people have predictions that we’re going to run out of this mineral or that mineral, and it hasn’t turned out to be true.

But you can take something very fundamental, which is the amount of solar energy that this planet intercepts. This is a tiny little planet circling the sun, and the sun broadcasts energy everywhere. The sun is a nuclear fusion reactor very conveniently provided for us. And it not only broadcasts, it produces fusion energy for us, it broadcasts it everywhere. But we’re only intercepting a tiny little bit of it.

If you take current baseline energy usage, globally, and compound it at just a few percent a year for just a few hundred years, you have to cover the entire surface of the Earth in solar cells. That’s the power of compounding. And by the way, we have been compounding energy at that rate for hundreds of years. Everybody on this planet is going to want to be a first-world citizen using first-world amounts of energy, and the people who are first-world citizens today using first-world amounts of energy? We’re going to want to use even more energy.

A life of stasis would be population control combined with energy rationing. That is the stasis world that you live in if you stay. And even with improvements in efficiency, you’ll still have to ration energy use. And that to me doesn’t sound like a very exciting civilization for our grandchildren’s grandchildren.

This isn’t for us, it doesn’t matter for us — we’ll be fine. But for them, that to me seems like a pretty bleak world. We don’t have to have that.

Bezos explained some of the surprising benefits he sees in populating the solar system with 1 trillion people instead of just a few billion limited to Earth.

Bezos: The solar system can support a trillion humans, and then we’d have 1,000 Mozarts, and 1,000 Einsteins. Think how incredible and dynamic that civilization will be.

But if we’re going to have that, we do have to go out into the solar system. You have to capture more of the sun’s output, and we have to use all of the resources that are out in space, in terms of minerals and not just energy. And that’s very doable, but we have to get started.

The fact of the matter is we don’t have forever, and the first step — I don’t know all future steps — but I know one of them is we need to build a low-cost, highly operable, reusable launch vehicle. No matter which path you take, it has to go through that gate.

That’s a very expensive step. That’s why Blue Origin is focused on it. It’s not something that two kids in a dorm room are going to do. But I really want that dynamic life and civilization for our grandchildren’s grandchildren. But we’ve got to get started.

(If his plan works, Bezos explained that we don’t need to be ‘planet chauvinists’ and settle worlds in the solar system. Instead, he thinks we can build our own habitats, as physicist Gerard O’Neill characterized them in the 1970s.)

Bezos: I don’t think we’ll live on planets, by the way. I think we’ll live in giant O’Neal-style space colonies. Gerard O’Neil, decades ago, came up with this idea.

He asked his physics students at Princeton a very simple question, but a very unusual one, which is: Is a planetary surface the right place for humanity to expand in the solar system? And after doing a lot of work, they came back and decided the answer was “no.”

There’s a fascinating interview with Isaac Asimov, Gerard O’Neill, and their interviewer that you can find on YouTube from many decades ago. And to Asimov, the interviewer says, “Why do you think we’re so focused, then, on expanding onto other planetary surfaces?” And Asimov says, “That’s simple. We grew up on a planet, we’re planet chauvinists.”

But the space colonies we’ll build will have many advantages. The primary one is that they’ll be close to Earth. The transit time and the amount of energy required to move between planets is so high. But if you have giant space colonies that are energetically close and, in terms of travel time close to Earth, then people will be able to come and go. Very few people are going to want to leave this planet permanently — it’s just too amazing.

Ultimately what will happen, is this planet will be zoned residential and light industry. We’ll have universities here and so on, but we won’t do heavy industry here. Why would we? This is the gem of the solar system. Why would we do heavy industry here? It’s nonsense.

And so over time — of course you have to today — but over time that transition will happen very naturally. It’ll even be the business-smart thing to do because the energy and resources will be so much cheaper off-planet that industries will naturally gravitate to those lower-cost environments.

(With such an epic vision for humanity’s future, Bezos was asked how he doesn’t get distracted by other work. He responded by thanking the audience for buying products — that funds Blue Origin, he said— and advised everyone to create a grand, long-term vision, but to spend most of their time and energy on much shorter-term work.)

Foust: This is a tremendous long-term vision. How do you stay focused on that when there’s all the day-to-day distractions? When have an e-commerce company?

Bezos: Which also, by the way, is the business model for Blue Origin right now, so it’s very important. Every time you buy shoes, you’re helping fund Blue Origin, so thank you. I appreciate it very much (source, source)

You can read the rest of the article in the link above.

Now it is true that Bezos does not say that man will become an “interplanetary species.” However, he makes as is demonstrated above, curious allusions to it by his belief in a future that is inherently darwinian and necessitates an “evolution” in the way humans live lest the human race perish.

This view that the earth may or will be destroyed and for this reason is why man has to “conquer the stars,” is interesting to juxtapose against the Georgia Guidestones, which are located in Elberton, Georgia, USA and talk about a future where the world population will be reduced to approximately a half-billion people, united with a “new language,” and a religion to live in “harmony” with nature on Earth:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

 Both of these views- either the “space cowboy” of Bezos or the earthly sanctuary of the Guidestones-are the “left” and “right” sides of the exact same eugenic paradigm that is being presented as the future, and all in the name of “evolution.” Both presuppose a mass “culling” of the human race- the case of space by “natural destruction,” the case of the Guidestones by an unspecified but potential mass culling orchestrated by man -in order to bring about the dawn of a new and “enlightened” age in which future generations of humans can thrive and prosper.

The talk of “interplanetary space beings” and the “next phase of evolution” may be viewed as a joke by the public, but it is not to many, and most certainly not to these men.

What you are witnessing here is the face of true evil, and the process of how darwinism moves from a philosophy in the mind to an application in real-life. While Bezos’ ultimate views are known only to him, based on his associations and the following statements, it is clear that he supports these ideas to such a point that he is willing to invest his personal fortunes into seeing their realization. It is a form of evangelization, except instead of it being done for the cause of God and the salvation of the human race, it is for the cause of evil, to destroy the human race in a humanistic attempt to create a heaven on earth and transform man into a deity, replaying the sin of Eden, Babel, and all the errors of old over again but in a different time, place, and with different tools.

This is the true drive for a Third Global conflict. It will be about money and power, but as noted before, it is primarily about philosophy, which is the enforcement of a new darwinian and pagan order whose purpose would seem to be only to provoke the anger of God so to necessitate His return. Except when God first came, He did so as a baby with mercy. This time, it will be with as a man, with the sword of justice to execute upon the enemies of His Church as the true chosen people, those who follow in the Holy Faith given by Our Lord to His Church, will finally obtain their long-awaited and promised redemption from Scripture.

Jesus Christ is King

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