Jesus' Coming Back

The Government Of Iowa Will Now Be Funding Sex Change Operations With Tax Dollars. America Is Now Becoming A Nation Of Sodom

By Theodore Shoebat

The citizens of the republic of Sodom are at it again, this time getting government funding to bankroll “sex change” operations which is really just genital mutilation. One report from Christian News states:

The Iowa Supreme Court has unanimously upheld a lower court ruling that determined the State must allow “sex change” operations to be covered under Medicaid.

“[T]he history behind the rule supports our holding that the rule’s express bar on  Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming surgical procedures discriminates against transgender Medicaid recipients in Iowa under the ICRA (Iowa Civil Rights Act),” wrote Justice Susan Christensen on behalf of the panel.

“After the DHS amended the rule to bar Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming surgery, the legislature specifically made it clear that individuals cannot be discriminated against on the basis of gender identity under the ICRA,” she said.

This whole fiasco in Iowa started when two citizens of Sodom, Carol Ann Beal and EerieAnna Good, sued the government of Iowa after finding out that tax dollars (Medicaid) could not pay for their genital mutilations. They were enraged that under Iowa law Medicaid, under DHS prohibition, could not cover surgeries “primarily for psychological reasons or as a result of the aging process” or “for the purpose of sex reassignment.” With the helping hand of the ACLU they did what is so rampant in the United States — the most litigious country on the face of the earth –, they filed a lawsuit. And, not surprisingly, they won. One of the citizens of the republic of Sodom, EerieAnna Good, argued that the government was obligated to pay for his (he is now claiming to be a woman) male genital mutilation because it would prevent him from killing himself: “This surgery is not just something that I want. It’s something that I very much need to resolve the depression and anxiety I face because my outside fails to match who I know I am: a woman”.

The ACLU also argued that the prohibition of funds for “sex change” operations violated the Iowa Civil Rights Act because, well, oppressing blacks for being black is the same as not having the government fund your sick genital mutilation obsession. What a bunch of demonic people.

“A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 22:5) 

The United States will not purge itself of such abomination. Rather, it is assisting it, bringing itself under the umbrella of Sodom.

Jesus Christ is King

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