Jesus' Coming Back

Famous And Highly Respected Catholic Priest Declares That “Somebody” At Michael Voris’ “Church Militant” Threatened To Murder Him

Fr. Larry Richards is a famous Catholic priest known for his “tough” style that has been an inspiration to many Catholic men in the current time.

Fr. Richards and the organization Church Militant run by Michael Voris, a man who claims he is a former sodomite and also has shown a clear and consistent support for the sodomite pedophile Milo Yiannopoulos, had a public spat in the last year. According to recent statements from Fr. Richards, he said that “somebody” at Mr. Voris’ business threatened to murder him:

A celebrity priest has alleged to some of the most influential Catholics in America that a Catholic media organization threatened to kill him.

Film has emerged showing Father Larry Richards stating that he had received “death threats” from Detroit-based Church Militant.

“A couple of months ago I said something about Church Militant, and they threatened to kill me,” the popular men’s speaker alleged.

“Literally,” the priest continued. “I got death threats from a good Catholic organization that wanted me dead in God’s name.”

Richards, 58, was giving a lecture about loving one’s enemies to the Legatus Summit 2019 in late January when he made the startling accusation. Legatus is an association of Catholic CEOs of American businesses. Richards was the MC at the Summit despite earlier protests by some Legatus members.

Church Militant has denied the allegation that anyone from their organization sent Richards “death threats.”

“I find it outrageous and impossible to believe,” Church Militant newscaster Christine Niles told LifeSiteNews over the phone. “There is nobody here even capable of doing that.”

“It’s insane.”

Michael Voris, the founder and CEO of the apostolate, suggested that Church Militant may take “further action” in the wake of this, Richards’ most recent, attack on his apostolate.

“Father Larry Richards has been increasing the number of his completely baseless and wholly unsubstantiated attacks against Church Militant,” Voris told LifeSiteNews via email.

“We have to this point ignored these and presume he is suffering from some condition. This latest claim, however, which would rise to the level of a crime on our part, cannot remain unchallenged,” he continued.

“Father Larry appears to be suffering from some disorder. He needs either to prove his charges immediately, or to stop making them, or further action from Church Militant will be required.”

The founder of “The Reason For Our Hope Foundation,” Fr. Larry Richards is, according to his website, a “gifted and captivating speaker, preacher, retreat master and author.” He is also a parish priest ordained in 1989 for the Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania. The author of Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You To Be, a book published by Ignatius Press in 2009, Richards has been finishing a degree in Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame.

He also hosts EWTN Radio’s “Open Line” show every Thursday.

The outspoken priest used his position as an EWTN radio personality to condemn Church Militant last September.

“Church Militant is not of God,” Richards said during a call-in show. “Stay away from Church Militant. I’m very clear about it. Church Militant is not of God.”

“It is from the devil himself,” he continued. “It brings division, division, division. Don’t ever listen to anything from Church Militant.”

Richards was particularly concerned for the reputation of Father James Martin, S.J., an LGBT activist priest he believed Church Militant had “demonized.”

“What they do is demonize people that don’t agree with them,” the priest stated. “… I don’t put up with people who demonize other people in God’s name.”

At the time, Niles professed herself amused by Richards’ histrionics.

“I literally laughed out loud when I heard Fr. Larry Richards say ‘Church Militant is from the devil,’” she tweeted on September 21. “He goes on to defend Fr. @JamesMartinSJ. People like him are the reason why no one takes EWTN seriously anymore as a source of authentic Catholic news.”

According to a subsequent Church Militant broadcast, EWTN took down the incendiary video after heavy criticism.

The outspoken preacher had abused LifeSiteNews alongside Church Militant and the OnePeterFive website in a homily earlier that September, saying “…LifeSite – it’s not of God. It’s filled with anger. It’s filled with hate, and it’s filled with mistruth.”

LifeSiteNews reached out to Fr. Richards by telephone and email through The Reason for Our Hope Foundation but was told it would be impossible to reach him for a week, as he is out of town doing a parish mission. Attempts to contact Fr. Richards through social media were also unsuccessful.

LifeSiteNews also reached out to EWTN and Legatus by telephone. Legatus declined to give a statement. (source, source)

Now Fr. Richards did not name a specific name as to who did it. Likewise, we can only go by the information that is available, and certainly do not want to make any inaccurate assumptions.

Having noted this, it is very interesting to note that Michael Voris has made angry threats before and threatened to sue over statements. knows this well because Theodore Shoebat was the recipient of threats made by Voris in a call that Ted made to him asking why Voris was so interested in defending the sodomite and pedophile Milo Yiannopoulos, knowing that Milo lost his previous job because of him being exposed as attending elite parties with “very young boys” in attendance:

It does not matter what one feels about Milo, or if one likes him or not. The fact is that he admitted to his actions.

It is a known fact that homosexuals are prone to horrendous acts of violence. This has been discussed repeatedly in the Shoebat archives from the philosophy to its praxis, and proves itself with the consistent bouts of violent crimes associated with it that are in the news.

It is also a known fact that sodomites are overwhelmingly involved in the sexual abuse of children. One does not need to look further than the sodomite abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, where as the John Jay Study of 2004 confirmed and future cases have likewise supported, fully 81% of all “sexual abuse” cases were by sodomite priests against boys, of which a minimum of 67%- two out of three cases -were directed against teenage males.

Not only does Michael Voris claim to have been an active homosexual for a long period in his life, but during his most recent interview with Milo, he and Milo discussed the “age of consent” for relations, and they both agreed that “sixteen-is-alright”:

Here one can see not one, but two instances of very interesting behavior from Mr. Voris. In the first example, he is shown making angry threats against Ted involving legal action. In the second example, he is shown advocating for a standard of behavior that would also allow for men to indulge in the same behavior with the same group of people that sodomites are known to target, and making such remarks in the context of a discussion with another sodomite and confirmed pedophile.

Now one should not jump to rash conclusions or erroneous assumptions, as such is unwise and imprudent as well as can lead to objective wrongs. Indeed, things such as threats of lawsuits, murder, or the sexual abuse of children are all serious things. It is prudent, however, to note Fr. Richards’ words and to place them in their proper context concerning the organization of Church Militant, which involves but is not limited to many people and events, including Mr. Voris.

It is something to think about, and hopefully will be able to open a healthy public dialogue that will be able to eventually shine a more conclusive light into these and many other of such pressing matters for the good of all.

Jesus Christ is King

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