Pelosi: ‘Any Child Who Somehow Escaped Both Abortion And Infanticide Has Earned The Right To Vote’

Pelosi: ‘Any Child Who Somehow Escaped Both Abortion And Infanticide Has Earned The Right To Vote’
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a speech advocating for lowering the voting age, Nancy Pelosi passionately argued that any child who avoids being aborted or killed just after birth under Democrats’ new push to expand abortion and infanticide rights “has earned the right to vote.”
“We need to lower the voting age to 16 and possibly even lower,” she said in an address. “Frankly, these kids who somehow make it into this world despite our push for more and more abortion and infanticide have really earned the right to vote for Democrats.”
Pelosi commented that she’s “pretty amazed” that any children make it into the world at all, and that their fortitude and survival skills should be rewarded. She pointed out that with thousands of babies being murdered in the womb every day, and with Democrats’ recent push to protect mothers and doctors who wanted to snuff out a baby’s life even after he or she emerges from the womb, the brave few who make it through shouldn’t have to wait until they’re 18 to have a voice in our political system.
“It’s very important that we give emotionally unstable teenagers and children who made it out of the womb the right to vote,” she said. “That way, they can choose to vote for more abortion and infanticide.”
“It’s the circle of life,” she added wistfully, blinking off into the distance.
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