Jesus' Coming Back

Major National Socialist And White Nationalist Website Admits That It Doesn’t Care About Race And The End Goal Is A New Darwinism

The Daily Stormer is the largest and arguably most popular National Socialist and White Nationalist website on the Internet. However, they have recently come out in support of Democrat contender Andrew Yang while before they ardently supported Trump. In an interesting article from earlier this month, and something that nobody has yet discussed, is that they openly admitted that their talk of race was simply a cover for advancing a larger agenda that is darwinistic in nature.

The entire article, reprinted below for records keeping, contains the points in question highlighted in bold:

Down about Trump hyping up this attempt to break the world record of number of Jewish cocks a man can fit in his mouth at once?

It’s time to get woke, join the Yang Gang and get $1000 free every month.

Andrew Yang, leader of the Yang Gang, is your man in 2020.

Over the last week, as Trump has repeated this statement that he’s going to bring in immigrants to staff alleged factories, I’ve been increasingly losing the last bit of hope I had in the man. It really feels like having your teeth kicked out, hearing him say this. He’s said it five times now. The first time I was thinking “okay, whatever.” The second time I was increasingly uncomfortable. But by the fifth time, he had pretty much killed any energy I had left for the guy. It is apparent now that this is an actual policy he is going to push and this is something I simply cannot abide.

The Yang campaign is new.

He is taking some typical shitty Democrat positions on the typical Democrat issues – immigration, gun control, etc.

However, his core issue is the fact that society is not attempting to manage the development of robots and other automation technology, and that this is going to lead to an apocalypse if we don’t start addressing it directly.

You can learn a lot more about this from his long Joe Rogan interview than you can by reading his website.

The management of technological society is the issue that I’ve considered the most important since long before I started this website, back when I was in my early 20s and first read Uncle Ted’s Manifesto and the Jaques Ellul books that inspired it (The Technological Society and The Technological System).

I’ve written about this issue here since I started this website, and I think it is the actual issue that actually matters. All of this race stuff, the trannies, etc. – this is just insanity being thrown at us while we’re in the middle of a civilizational crisis.

The analogy would be that you’re trapped in a burning building – and then get kidnapped by a gang of homosexuals. You’re still trapped in a burning building, but you’re going to have to break free of the gang of homosexuals before you can get out of the burning building.

Race and the Jewish social program are the most immediate problem, but they are not the overarching problem. The overarching problem is figuring out humanity’s role inside of the machine we have built.

And in fact, all of these Jewish problems and race problems and woman problems are only problems due to technology. Before urbanization and mass transit, none of these problems actually existed. Historically, the Jews were a nuisance animal rather than an elite class crushing the goyim they rule over. The methods of psychological control are also a form of technology – in the French use of the term “technique,” anything that is perfected to efficiency through science is considered “technology,” and that is what they have done with social engineering. Using mass media to manipulate people into accepting child trannies is a form of technology.

The entire conflict between the systems of Jewish capitalism and Jewish communism was created by Jewish meddling in the attempt to manage the machine. What fascism represented was a goyish alternative to the two Jewish systems being forced on the goyim. This is absurdly obvious if you just go back and look at the names of the people promoting the three options for managing an emerging technological society – yes, there were goyim involved in capitalism and communism, but the top theorists and managers were almost all Jewish. Conversely, there were no Jews involved in fascism. Then you had a situation where both capitalism and communism united to destroy fascism. The entire situation is rather simple if looked at in these basic terms.

Communism doesn’t really exist anymore. And capitalism doesn’t exist in the form it did in the 20th century. Basically, the most Jewish elements of both have been combined to create globalist consumerism, where everyone in the world will be mixed together in a global society where the only purpose of existence is continual economic growth through the production and distribution of entirely pointless consumer products.

Aside from the Jewish drive to exterminate white men, if we anthropomorphize the system the Jews created, it also hates heterosexual white men because they are poor consumers.

I am perhaps slightly more Zen-Buddha than most men, but I live in a single room and the only thing I buy on a regular basis is food. I only buy a phone when I eventually break the screen. I buy 5 $12 t-shirts and a pair of shoes once a year, I buy 5 pairs of jeans about every 4 years. I honestly can’t even understand what people are buying. When I think of what I would buy if I was a billionaire, I don’t come up with anything I would do any differently. I would get a hot shave with a straight razor at the barber shop every morning and buy more organic food and that’s honestly all I can think of.

Meanwhile, women, homosexuals and brown people buy directly into the only thing that keeps the consumerist system running, which is purchasing products that you don’t actually need, but which provide status and/or a dopamine rush.

Given this, the system naturally seeks to eliminate white men.

What’s more is that the process of eliminating white men actually turns them into better consumers. By denying most white men access to sex, they are forced into ultra-competition, which means buying expensive clothing, expensive cars, decking out their homes with trendy furniture, getting tattoos, etc. That is how perfect this system is: it is able to turn bad consumers into good consumers in the process of exterminating them.

Attacking the system directly is logical. If the system didn’t exist, the situation we are in would not exist. It is only the system that has created the situation in the first place. Another system would create another outcome.

What Andrew Yang is talking about is creating another system, and changing the technological society into something that serves man, rather than the other way around.

His core issues are:

Jobs are going to disappear, rapidly, and we need to deal with that
People are going to have to be given free money (“Universal Basic Income”) by the state because there aren’t going to be enough jobs for people
We need to figure out a way for human beings to interact with a rapidly transforming technological society in a healthy, human way
The infinite growth model for society is not serving human beings
What is very interesting is that recognizing the fact that the overwhelming majority of jobs are going to disappear in the near future necessarily, and that GDP is a gigantic hoax, means you would be opposed to flooding the country with low-skill workers and the NuTrump plan of “we need people because factories.”

Aside from the fact that white men are dying of fentanyl and suicide and could probably use these jobs, and aside from the fact that millions of truck drivers and other drivers are about to be put out of work by self-driving trucks and could use these jobs, the jobs themselves aren’t going to exist for very long. Soon, all factories will be run by robots, completely. And if Trump is really bringing all of these factories to the US – and I’m not really even clear on how true that is – they are going to have the incentive to automate the factories much more aggressively than they are automating them in Asia. And they are already automating them in Asia.

Mass immigration is completely incompatible with “we’re going to have to give people free money because there isn’t any more work.”

And Yang’s campaign is very young. He is running as a Democrat, but he is not promoting the AOC green socialism agenda, so he is already taking a third position that is unlike that of the other Democrats. There is no reason why he can’t take an anti-immigration stance, and pick-up on the tens of millions of Trump voters who are disenfranchised by his new position of bringing in immigrants to staff factories.

Normal people need to start reaching out to Yang and saying “I’m a working or middle class Trump voter, and at the same time I began losing hope in him, I heard your message. I agree with all of your core issues, but I really don’t see how this can work if you’re going to continue with the Democrat and now Trump position of mass immigration. I really think you have the opportunity to pick up tens of millions of former Trump supporters if you take a position on immigration in-line with what the majority of his voters wanted.”

The man has already reached out to whites directly, which no other presidential candidate has done since George Wallace.

And I seriously doubt he is actually a believer in mass immigration, I think he is simply taking that position because he believes that his message will appeal to Democrats more than Trump people. And that clearly isn’t true. I think it will appeal to white Democrats, but the fact is that minorities already get what amounts to UBI. They have access to all of these different programs, and giving them $1000 a month in total – he has said that any government assistance you already receive, including public housing, will be deducted from the $1000 – would actually lower their monthly allowance from the government.

Nonwhites are also simply incapable of understanding any of the concepts that he’s talking about. His only natural voter base is going to be whites, and he needs to make an appeal to both Democrat and Trump people if he wants to actually win.

I think he is going to be forced out of the Democrat Party anyway. There is no way he will get the nomination. The party is simply too corrupt. However, if we get him into the debates, and get him the attention he needs early on, he absolutely can run third party, and in a three-way split between him, Trump and Kamala, there is a very good chance he would win, if he had the correct support program for his core issues.

In my vision, I would also have him pick Tulsi Gabbard as his VP, and she would be out there going hard on the anti-war stuff, which is overwhelmingly popular. And both Kamala (and every other Democrat candidate) and the NuTrump are aggressively pro-intervention. Being able to get up there on a third party platform and say “a vote for either of these other candidates is a vote for endless war” would be very powerful.

Though there is an outside chance he could win, I’m not really looking at that as the goal. At least right now I’m not. The goal is to inject these issues into the public consciousness. Remember that initially the goal with Trump was not for him to actually win, but simply to get real issues into the public discussion, and whatever the hell Trump is doing now, that goal was achieved.

And I don’t know about you, but journalists telling laid off coal miners to “learn to code” made me about as angry as Jeb Bush telling me Mexicans are “natural conservatives.”

The Democrats have set a requirement that he has to get 50,000 individual donations by May 15th in order to get in the debates.

Right now, as you’re reading this, click that link and send him a dollar. Then send the link to everyone you know.

Let’s at least see where this goes. (source, source)

Let’s focus on the points in bold, as they are the most relevant.

First, and putting aside any of the absurd notions about race he makes in the article, is this idea that “fascism had no Jews in it.” This is a complete and utter lie, as much as a lie as it would be to say that “the (fill in the name of a particular religion or group here) group never did what those bad people over there are doing.” has extensively documented the connection between National Socialism and not just Jews, such as Alfred Rosenberg, but the very essence of the movement itself. Rudolf von Sebottendorf, who was one of the chief philosophers behind the development of National Socialist philosophy, openly admits in his own writings that much of his work was based off of the Talmud and teachings he learned from a Salonican Jewish family with a very long history of Cabbalism called the Termudi family. The financing of the National Socialist movement came chiefly from the Stein Bank, which was a joint Jewish-American establishment being backed by the Jewish banking dynasty in the Warburg family.

This is not fake. This is real.

You can read more about it here.

There were good and bad people of many backgrounds in World War II. It is an error to make blanket statements because aside from the obvious fact that men have free will to choose righteousness or sin and must be evaluated based on their actions, is that to say otherwise does not conform to the clear historical records that exist. Because history is a political thing for many, it often times is enough simply to state what happened for the sake of what happened rather than to attempt to use it for a sinister purpose.

Second, a like problem, is this idea that Communism and Capitalism don’t exist anymore, or that Fascism, better known as National Socialism was something of an exceptional or “unique” system. They do overlap, but not in the way alluded to above, as though they have been “diluted” to the point of taking a different form than their originals forms. To the contrary, they have simply grown into their natural states of what they always were.

Something that is not a popular to say but must be said is that there is fundamentally no difference between the three schools of economic thought because all of them come from darwinian principles. This is even before any discussion of power or money, as the root itself is a philosophy that is animalistic and denies the supernatural reality of man and sees him as a consumer limited to his contemporary state and from which his value is established in society or lack thereof. National Socialism/Fascism uses blood-and-soil as her emphasis, Communism uses the economic equality among the community as her emphasis, and Capitalism uses the pursuit of private gain has her emphasis, but all of them believe that man is but an animal in which the “fittest” survive and the “weak” are destroyed without mercy because they have no purpose otherwise.

This is why the US will speak of Capitalism but also support National Socialist terrorists in intelligence operations, or Communist terrorists in Iran. It is why Russia for years was said to be Communist yet was highly nationalistic and clearly promoted racial separation and favoring. It is why the National Socialists, for all of their talk on “blood purity,” had Jews made into “honorary Aryans” and intentionally overlooked their ethnicity, such as with Alfred Rosenberg. It is why China, in spite of all of her self-identification as a “communist” country, has openly embraced and promotes capitalism.

The three philosophies do not contradict each other, but rather compliment, and what changes is the proportions of how the three are used. It is similar to human beings, for as all men are sons of Ham, Shem, and Japheth, what changes in a man is not his dignity, but the proportions of which son a man’s ancestry comes from, and while it is good and healthy to be satisfied and content with one’s person as he was born, one’s pride does not come from this, but rather from who God says one is as per the words of St. John’s Gospel:

But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God. (John 1:12-13)

This bring us to the final and most important point, which is the statement in the article that while race and Jews are a “problem”, they are not the “overarching problem,” which he defines as figuring out “humanity’s role in the machine we have built.”

The Daily Stormer, which it may interest one to know is run by a Jew, admits here they very assertion that they tried to cover up in their later words, which is that the talk of race and Judaism is not the chief issue. Yet if these are not the chief points of the website, which it veritably defines itself by, what must the end be? He answers this at the end when he admits it is “figuring out humanity’s role in the machine we have built.”

What “role” is there to be “figured out” for “humanity?” This should not even need to be a question if one is Catholic, for the answer is clear as it is articulated in the Baltimore Catechism:

Q. 126. What do we mean by the “end of man”?

A. By the “end of man” we mean the purpose for which he was created: namely, to know, love, and serve God.

Q. 150. Why did God make you?

A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next. (source, source)

The Communist says that man exists for the community. The Capitalist says man exists for his own gain. The Fascist says a man exists for his own people and not others. All of these ends, while they will criticize each other, ultimately say that some men have value and others do not because of temporal effects and not because of the dignity of the person himself.

The only “figuring out” that could happen is because it would assume that some men do not have “value,” and so the question is what to do with the “useless eaters.” That question has been asked many times throughout history, and each time it has been asked the answer has never been for good intentions, but has been as a precursor stage to violence and genocide.

The fact that he says how race is not the “main issue,” but rather figuring out humanity’s role- which is another way of saying “how to deal with the “useless eaters” -is the real purpose of their mission.

It is not to “save the white race”, for if that was the case, then race would be the main issue, which he says it is not. For those who do believe the matter is about actually “saving the race,” one only needs to ask Poland, Germany’s direct next-door-neighbor who is culturally and biologically almost the same as Germany, what Germany did to them in the 20th century during the Second World War in the name of the same racialist language, for when power was concerned, Poles quickly became “subhuman” and put into death camps and forced to be the unwilling subject of bizarre eugenic experiments just as what Germany did to the Herrero people in Namibia in 1900.

It is good to be aware of causes in society, and to take a stand for what one believes in. This is a noble and principled thing, and it is what one must do. However, one must also be very careful for those who espouse particular sides for the purpose of advancing their own power, and upon acquiring said power, to use it as a weapon to attack others.

The fact that the Daily Stormer shifted immediately, along with much of the “National Socialist” and former Trump crowd to Andrew Yang, a Democrat and a Communist, shows that they do not care for principle but rather for power. As noted above, the difference between National Socialist and Communist and Capitalist is only one of emphasis, as they all come from a darwinistic philosophy. Given how racist and likewise anti-Jewish on the basis of race and ethnicity they are, if they needed to become anti-racist and pro-Jewish in order to realized the same ends, then the switch would be made instantly and with almost no discussion, and there would be a complete repudiation of their past writings.

This is why it is critical to ignore the “trolls” in any cause.

Beware of those who loudly espouse causes and seek to make themselves a center of attention or to try to become “leaders” in a movement, for the louder and more extreme they are, the more often times they care less for the very thing they so ardently claim to support and if given the opportunity and the justification, will turn against it as quickly and passionately as they supported the opposing position.

Jesus Christ is King

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