Jesus' Coming Back

Illinois House Advances Bill Requiring Public Schools to Teach About Historical Contributions of Homosexuals

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Illinois House of Representatives has advanced a bill that would require public schools K-12 to include in history curriculum the contributions of those who identify as homosexual or transgender. The legislation has been opposed by Christian groups in the state.

House Bill 246, presented by Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin, was approved by the House 60-42 on March 13, and now moves to the Senate for a vote.

“In public schools only, the teaching of history shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State,” the bill reads in part.

It also states that textbooks must be “non-discriminatory” and “include the roles and contributions of all people protected under the Illinois Human Rights Act.”

“Under current practice in many of our schools, the contribution of LGBT individuals in history has remained hidden and unacknowledged,” Moeller said during debate on the House floor, according to The Southern Illinoisan.

“This exclusion has denied students the opportunity to obtain a greater and more accurate understanding of world history, and it also has denied LGBT people their identity and reflection in our school curriculum,” she asserted.

However, Rep. Tom Morrison, R-Palatine, argued that the bill is unnecessary as ones achievements shouldn’t be based on their sexuality.

“Here’s what parents in my district said: ‘How or why is a historical figures’ sexuality or gender self-identification even relevant, especially when we’re talking about kindergarten and elementary school history?” he stated, according to the Illinois News Network. “Furthermore, there’s no parental opt-out nor even any notification so the parents can know if, when or how to talk about these topics with their children.”

Christian groups also opposed the legislation, including the Illinois Family Institute, which contended that it is not the job of government employees to “promot[e] acceptance of homosexuality and the ‘trans’ ideology” to “other people’s children.”

The organization called for Christians to leave the public schools due to teaching that is contrary to biblical values.

“Christian parents need to think seriously about whether their children can be properly trained up in the way they should go by adults who believe homosexuality is morally equivalent to heterosexuality; who believe marriage has nothing to do with sexual differentiation; and who don’t believe that the differences between boys and girls are profound, meaningful, and must be respected,” it said in a post on its website.

“Churches need to think seriously about how they can facilitate the exit of Christian children from government schools hell-bent on destroying their hearts, minds, and bodies.”

H.B. 246 now moves to the Senate for a vote, which already approved the bill last year. Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker is expected to sign the legislation into law should it reach his desk.

As previously reported, the Bible teaches that all men are in the same predicament: All are born with the Adamic sin nature, having various inherent inclinations that are contrary to the law of God and being utterly incapable of changing themselves. It is why Jesus outlined in John 3:5-7 that men must be regenerated by the second birth, or they cannot see the kingdom of Heaven.

“Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ Nicodemus saith unto him, ‘How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?’ Jesus answered, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ‘Ye must be born again.’

“Bitter experience teaches that the imprisoning net clings too tightly to be stripped from our limbs by our own efforts. Nay rather, the net and the captive are one, and he who tries to cast off the oppression which hinders him from following that which is good is trying to cast off himself,” also wrote the late preacher and Bible commentator Alexander Maclaren.

“But to men writhing in the grip of a sinful past, or paralyzed beyond writhing and indifferent, because [they are] hopeless, or because they have come to like their captivity, comes one whose name is ‘The Breaker,’ whose mission it is to proclaim liberty to the captives, and whose hand laid on the cords that bind a soul, causes them to drop harmless from the limbs and sets the bondsman free.”

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