Jesus' Coming Back

John Cusack Panics: ‘There Will Not Be a Peaceful Transition of Power’ If Trump Loses

Actor John Cusack speculated Wednesday that there may not be a “peaceful transition of power” in the United States under President Trump, panicking about possible “violence.”

“[The] only way it stops is through direct intervention -political & legal tracts must run concurrently but dems cannot abdicate their constitutional duties – hoping mueller will do it all,” Cusack said in a social media post.

“Also believe there will not be a peaceful transition of power & we must prepare for this – when authoritarians threaten violence – take them at their word – might be the only thing he’s not lying about,” he added.

Cusack routinely has social media meltdowns. Just this week, he posted a bizarre fantasy of imprisoning the president and forcing him to eat garbage.

“Trump should be tied on the neck by a chain with a 2o foot leader- in a trash heap in New Jersey – & be allowed to feed only on the local vegetation.”

Last week, the Better Off Dead actor said Trump was a “pathological liar/criminal,” adding, “The only way democracy survives him – is if he rots in prison.”

The 52-year-old has also attacked the GOP in general.

“It’s good for America to see how gop is complete deathkkkult,” the Hot Tub Time Machine actor said last month.

Jesus Christ is King

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