Jesus' Coming Back

3 Prayer Priorities for America

Friends of the National Day of Prayer,

Now is the time to really engage in preparing for and praying for the National Day of Prayer. In two short months, we will implement this major national prayer initiative across America. We must move forward with an accelerating commitment that will propel us to have the greatest National Day of Prayer in our history.

Thursday, May 2, is now the ever-important day before us. The day we join together to talk to God about our country, doing so from every corner of this nation. Yes, it is our goal to pray from every town, every city, every county and hopefully every church in America. Get engaged now. Lead, create, or participate in a gathering.

This past month has become a clear reminder of how our nation is in dire need of a new, fresh touch of God. Sin is abounding in a glaring and chilling manner. We need to pray, and we need to pray now. Join us and share these priorities with people in your state, city, and town. Pastors and churches, share these priorities with your people! We must pray!

Now is the Time to Pray for America,

Dr. Ronnie W. Floyd

Jesus Christ is King

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