Jesus' Coming Back

The Atlantic’s Plott to CNN’s Stelter: You’re a ‘Primary Target’ for Collusion Reporting

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” The Atlantic staff writer Elaina Plott  warned host Brian Stelter is “one of the primary targets,” for Republicans to “use past clips, past tweets, past statements from reporters who spoke about collusion as though it were a given.”

Plott said, “As I reported this week, you know, the pro-Trump super PAC America First and the Republican National Committee, there are conversations underway right now about the ways in which that operatives there can use past clips, past tweets, past statements from reporters who spoke about collusion as though it were a given and there were, you know, it was no room for error there. Ways in which they can use that so if a reporter to say something negative about Trump blasting that immediately. And actually, Brian, I’m told you’re one of the primary targets for that. You might want to look out.”

Stelter said, “Yeah look, I know I’m a convenient hate object for a right-wing media. I recognize that. And I usually just blow it off.”

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