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Accuser Lucy Flores: ‘Of Course’ I’d Support Joe Biden over Trump in 2020

Appearing on CBSN Monday afternoon, Nevada Democrat Lucy Flores, who recently accused former Vice President Joe Biden of kissing the back of her head and smelling her hair at a 2014 campaign event, affirmed she would still support Biden over President Donald Trump in the 2020 general presidential election.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

TANYA RIVERO: Let me ask you something. If [Biden] were to be the Democratic nominee and he’s up against Donald Trump — who has his own history with women, as we know, is pretty clouded — who would you support in that kind of a match-up?

LUCY FLORES: That’s not even a question, of course, I would support Biden.

RIVERO: That’s interesting to know. Now, I want to go back to [Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)] for a second, though, because his own campaign also in 2016 also had issues with women being mistreated by male staffers and you told NPR in January this year, that there was “essentially was a coverup.” Does that also disqualify Sanders? Do you think this was happening in his campaign?
FLORES: Those are two very, very different situations. I mean, you’re talking about a situation that occurred within a very, very large campaign structure and you’re talking about actual behavior that a person did. Those two things aren’t even close to being the same.

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