Jesus' Coming Back

Alyssa Milano Says She Loves God then Misuses the Bible to Defend Abortion

Alyssa Milano Says She Loves God then Misuses the Bible to Defend Abortion

While Alyssa Milano initially came into fame through her roll on the 80’s sitcom Who’s the Boss, she is better known now for her commitment to liberal political causes. She has been in the news this past week for her advocacy against Georgia’s HB481, which outlies abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

Last week Milano posted a letter signed by 50 actors threatening to boycott Georgia if the bill passed. This came on the heels of a similar letter signed by the Writers Guild of America.

This week, Milano appealed to her faith and to Scripture to justify her support of unfettered access to abortion. On April 1st, she tweeted “I love God. I believe in God. But I don’t believe my personal beliefs of which we can’t confirm should override scientific facts and what we can confirm.” Then she included a quote from the fourth Gospel. “’ If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?’ John 3:12.”

Live Action President Lila Rose responded to Milano. She said, “You don’t have to love God to acknowledge the irrefutable science that a unique individual human life begins at the moment of conception. But if you love God, then you also will love his children. He’s a father, and every single one of us are created in his image.”

Both the Georgia House and Senate passed HB 481 last week. The bill now goes to the desk of Governor Bryan Kemp, who has indicated that he will sign it. He told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that “I ran the last two years on these issues, and I got elected with the largest number of votes in the history of the state of Georgia, and I’m doing what I told people I would do.”

HB481 outlaws abortions after doctors detect a heartbeat, which usually takes place at about six weeks into the pregnancy. The law does make exceptions for incest, rape, and the mother’s life being in danger.

Milano traveled to the Georgia capitol Tuesday with 30 film industry workers to protest the law and to call on Governor Kemp to veto it. She vowed to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women if HB 481 becomes law.”

Governor Kemp did not seem phased by the threats. He said, “I can’t govern because I’m worried about what someone in Hollywood thinks about me.”

Scott Slayton writes at “One Degree to Another.”

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Jesse Grant/Stringer

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