Jesus' Coming Back

Oklahoma Baby Surrendered Through Safe Haven Law Now Thriving as Toddler With Forever Family

Photo Credit: News on 6/Screenshot

TULSA, Okla. — Surrendered at an urgent care clinic by his homeless mother, an Oklahoma toddler once referred to as “Baby Boy Unknown” is now thriving with his forever family, which credits the Lord for bringing the child into their life at just the right time.

The Epoch Times recently shared the story of Todd and Amy (last name not provided), a couple that had moved from Pennsylvania to Oklahoma in 2015, and not long after, received a call from the foster and adoption agency they had been working with that they needed to come to the office.

Todd and Amy had signed up to become foster parents, and they had just found out that day that they had been approved.

The call came just before Thanksgiving, and the family was busy getting ready to leave for a trip to the lake.

As Amy headed out the door to pick up what she thought was paperwork, her husband mentioned to her that he had seen a story in the news about a newborn who had been handed over to a nurse by his mother, who said she was homeless and could not care for him.

“That is the saddest thing ever. Do you think that is our baby?” Amy recalled remarking, as outlined in a post she wrote for Love What Matters.

“I doubt it. He’s probably pretty sick,” Todd replied.

When Amy arrived at the adoption agency, she could tell that the staff had been crying. They asked where her husband was. Amy feared bad news at first, but was soon handed a newspaper article about the exact child she and Todd were just talking about.

“He’s waiting for you in the NICU. He’s yours,” they said.

“There are no words to describe all the emotions I felt at that moment,” Amy wrote in the post. “They explained they wanted both of us there to tell us at the same time that us being a match … was nothing short of God. That’s why they had been emotional and crying; they had just witnessed God. Even now, this brings goosebumps and tears. It blows our mind that God chose us to be his parents.”

Others called after hearing the story on the news, but because the baby was now spoken for, other children also ended up finding foster families.

“We ended up spending the next week with him in the [neonatal intensive care unit] and then he came home,” Amy told PEOPLE. “We went through the whole adoption process — it had its ups and downs, but we made it through — and a year later, he was officially ours.”

The boy, who is only being identified in the media as “W,” was officially adopted by the couple in November 2016. Todd and Amy refer to their son as a “little tornado,” full of life and spunk.

“He has brought so much fun and joy to our family,” the couple wrote on a Facebook page dedicated to updates on the child. “God moved some mighty big mountains to align our paths. It has been a huge reminder that God’s plan is better than we could ever imagine. We want all the people who prayed for him to know that their prayers were answered before they were spoken.”

“W” turned three this past November.

Todd and Amy state that they hope to be of help to others who also have an interest in fostering and/or adopting. They may be contacted here. – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – |

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