Ocasio-Cortez Suddenly Shifts To Speaking Like Jar Jar Binks While Addressing Crowd Of Gungans
Ocasio-Cortez Suddenly Shifts To Speaking Like Jar Jar Binks While Addressing Crowd Of Gungans
NABOO—Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has come under fire after giving a speech to a crowd of Gungan supporters on the planet of Naboo. Critics claim Ocasio-Cortez clearly shifted her speaking style to try to emulate the Gungans’ speech patterns, changing her speech to sound exactly like that of Jar Jar Binks.
“Meesa Ocasio-Cortez. Meesa gonna seize the means of production big-big,” she said as the Gungan crowd cheered. “Meesa your humble servant who’s in charge.” The congresswoman unveiled a plan to save Naboo, one which would coincidentally require giving her all the power and money. “Yousa planet gonna die big, icky icky goo goo if yousa don’t change your habits.” She pointed out that the ecosystem of the planet’s core was already changing, and the giant monsters which live down there will likely die within 12 Coruscant solar cycles.
“Yousa all gonna do whatever I say now, okeeday?” she added.
Some Gungans were offended by her remarks. “Ex-squeeze me, but wesa the ones who say ‘mesa,’ not yousa!” cried one Gungan in protest. Ocasio-Cortez ignored his comments, as he was sitting in the cheap seats.
Critics quickly called the obvious shift in speech patterns “pandering,” but Ocasio-Cortez immediately fired back on her Comlink, saying, “How wude.”

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