Jesus' Coming Back

‘He Knows Better’: Mike Pence Responds to Pete Buttigieg’s Criticism of His Christian Faith

‘He Knows Better’: Mike Pence Responds to Pete Buttigieg’s Criticism of His Christian Faith

After Indiana’s openly-gay mayor Pete Buttigieg condemned Vice President Mike Pence for his Christian values for the second time over the weekend, Pence responded on Wednesday noting that Buttigieg “knows better.”

As Christian Headlines previously reported, at an LGBTQ Victory Fund bunch on Sunday Buttigieg – who shared in March that he tries to live his life “consistent with Christian teachings” – said that Vice President Mike Pence’s Biblical view of marriage should call his view of God’s authority into question. 

Buttigieg said, “If me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade.” 

He continued, “And that’s the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. That if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me — your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”

In an interview with CNBC’s Joe Kernen of the “Squawk Box,” Kernen asked Pence if he had a chance to respond to Buttigieg’s comment.

Pence shared that he was not surprised by the claims despite the fact that the two worked “very closely” when Pence was the governor of Indiana.

Pence said, “I worked very closely with Mayor Pete when I was governor of the state of Indiana. We had a great working relationship.”

He continued, “He said some critical things that are critical of my Christian faith and about me personally.”

“He knows better. He knows me,” Vice President Pence added.

Pence noted that while he was disappointed in the remarks, he could understand why they were made. He said, “I get it, 19 people are running for president on that side, in a party that is sliding off to the left, and they are all competing with each other.”

Kernen then asked Pence if his views on marriage equality have evolved with the broader national view on LGBT equality. 

Pence noted that as Vice President of the United States, he respects the decision of the Supreme Court. Pence even noted that while he was Indiana’s governor, he saw to it that the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage was “fully implemented.” 

Still, Pence is staying true to his Christian values. The Vice President told Kernen, “When I was governor of Indiana, we fully implemented that decision [of the Supreme Court] into law, but Joe, I have my Christian values.”

He continued, “My family and I have a view of marriage that’s informed by our faith and we stand by that.”

“But that doesn’t mean that we’re critical of anyone who has a different point of view,” he added.

Pence noted the critical importance of freedom of religion and of consciousness in America. 

“We’ll continue to cherish our values, cherish our views,” Pence concluded.

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Ethan Miller/Staff

Video courtesy: CNBC

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