Jesus' Coming Back

Man In Critical Condition After Hearing Slightly Differing Viewpoint

GLENDALE, CA—A man was rushed to the hospital yesterday after encountering a slightly different viewpoint than his own Wednesday.

Shortly before 12:30 p.m., Glendale PD officers responded to a 911 call at the Java Lounge Coffee House in the 900 block of North Emerson Road. They found a person who had collapsed in shock and went to the station for help. Witnesses say the man was having a casual conversation about politics with another patron when the minutely opposing viewpoint was expressed. 

“They were both Democrats, Bernie supporters,” said Janice Hughson, a barista at the Java Lounge. “Then the guy he was talking to said he had some issues with abortion and thinks there should at least be a few limitations put on the practice. That’s when the man seized up and began foaming at the mouth. It was terrible.”

Four other bystanders were also emotionally injured by the moderately divergent opinion but were not hospitalized.

The man is being kept stable on ideology support at St. Francis medical center, surrounded by friends and family who agree with him 100% on every single issue.

The man who suggested the slightly differing opinion fled the scene. Anyone with information is asked to alert the authorities.

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