Jesus' Coming Back

Immigration Policy Legal Challenges? Advisers Urge President Trump to Ignore Setbacks, Charge Ahead

From the start, President Donald Trump has pushed right up against the legal limit with his policies to halt the flow of migrants across the southern border.

But – almost in lockstep with each immigration policy rollout – the federal courts have told him many of those plans crossed the legal line.

Now, instead of urging caution over those court rulings, administration advisers are pushing Trump to charge ahead with even more drastic measures to halt the flow of Central American migrants flooding the southern border.

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies who frequently advises the White House on ways to bolster immigration enforcement, said the reason she and others are insisting that Trump forge ahead is simple: If the situation at the border doesn’t improve, Trump will face consequences.

“If this continues, the president is going to have to start to worry that this border disaster is his immigration legacy and that voters will remember that going into the next election,” Vaughan said. “And I think we’re approaching that point.”

In recent days, Trump has tried to reset his immigration team by removing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and her chief deputy, Claire Grady, and withdrawing the nomination of Ronald Vitiello to serve as head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in order to move in a “tougher direction.” On Wednesday, Vitiello resigned

Trump tapped Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan to fill in as the acting head of Homeland Security and longtime adviser Stephen Miller continues to lead immigration strategy inside the White House.

But on Wednesday, Trump made clear that he’s in charge at Homeland Security: “There’s only one person that’s running it. You know who that is? It’s me.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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