Jesus' Coming Back

Just Over Two-Thirds Of Americans Say They Would Support A Sodomite For President

The support of the LGBT in the US is steadily growing. Now according to recent polling data, just over two-thirds of Americans say they would support a sodomite for president:

With Pete Buttigieg’s campaign saying he raised an impressive $7 million in the first fundraising quarter, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is looking more and more like a significant factor in the 2020 Democratic primary.

The main knock on his candidacy may be his lack of statewide or federal elected experience (South Bend’s population is only about 102,000). But it’s also worth noting that one fact about him is rarely treated as a liability: Buttigieg is openly gay and has been married to his husband, Chasten, since last June.

As recently as 2006, when Buttigieg was 24, more than half of Americans said they would be “very uncomfortable” (34 percent) or have “reservations” (19 percent) about a gay or lesbian person running for president.

That year, just five percent said they’d be enthusiastic about an LGBT candidate, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. An additional 38 percent said they’d be “comfortable.”

These days? A majority of Americans say they’re just fine with a gay candidate.

A combined 68 percent are either enthusiastic (14 percent) or comfortable (54 percent) with a candidate who is gay or lesbian.

Not your father’s campaign trail: What might have happened to Buttigieg a generation ago
What’s more, that jump isn’t just due to increasing tolerance among the younger voters whom Buttigieg, a millennial, can claim to represent.

The share of those younger than 35 who say they’re enthusiastic or comfortable with a gay candidate increased by 28 percentage points between 2006 and now, jumping from 47 percent to 75 percent.

And, while seniors are more likely to voice reservations about gay candidates, a majority (56 percent) now say they have no objections. That’s up from just 31 percent in 2006. (source)

These numbers are consistent with the established trend for support of Sodom.

In 2017, a Pew Research poll found that 62% of all Americans support sodomite marriage, and those numbers reach 75% and above when Millennials and GenZ are concerned. This means that making a projection based on these trends, sodomite behavior as a whole has likely a support well over 80%, and likely even higher, in the nation.

The Boomers are still a significant force, but they have continued along with the Silent Generation, their slow descent into the pages of history. That 68% of people approximately support a sodomite candidate for president may indicate a change as increase of actual support among people, but it also seems to indicate a natural trend of the previous generations passing away as well.

The numbers are an organic rise, which means that the support of this act is less being made by a change from a previous believe and rather from a support that has already been established. It is that Sodom has become accepted as a way of life in the US.

It is also true that many so-called “Christians” support the LGBT. This was evidenced by my recent article in criticism of Democrat Candidate and open sodomite Pete Buttigieg, where I received a considerable amount of hate mail from the citizens of Sodom, including from many “Christians” who supported the Sodomites:

It is of interesting note that I have spoken out for decades against Islam, and yet never have I received the volume and intensity of hatred from any Muslim ever than that which I have regularly received from the LGBT.

Now emails and messages such as this are not a surprise to us. They are common. However, what is so interesting is the violent level of rhetoric in some of them and others not published at such an early time. Buttigieg has not even been nominated for the Democrat party, and these people are acting out with such furor simply at criticizing him.

This is a concerning sign for the future, and I speak specifically with regard to the larger trend of being a Christian in the Catholic sense, as the LGBT is increasing in power because they reflect the choice of the people.

What one is witnessing here are the early growths of state-and-nation sanctioned persecution of the Church in the US, and because of the influence they have, in the Western nations and likely around the world. It is in a sense an early form of political violence, for neither liberal nor conservative, Democrat or Republican will stand against this as an objective evil, but attempt to indulge her favor to support their own continuation of power. Those who stand in opposition to her will be ignored or persecuted and as time passes, with a less likely recourse to legal avenues because of the social acceptance of the LGBT.

Certainly it is not correct to say they will be the only group persecuting the Church, but one among many in a union of hatred of Christ against the world.

What one is seeing therefore should not be of simple concern for awareness, but rather a note to prepare oneself for the inevitable because the signs for the future are clear. It is better to heed a warning early than too late.

Jesus Christ is King

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