Jesus' Coming Back

ABC’s Karl: Mueller Report Shows ‘Significant’ Trump-Russian ‘Contact,’ ‘Collusion’

Thursday on ABC’s News special coverage of the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, chief Washington correspondent for the network Jonathan Karl said the report details “significant contact,” even “collusion,” between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.

Karl said, “There is significant material in here that we did not know on the question of collusion. Now, of course, there’s no finding that anybody in the Trump campaign was guilty of a criminal conspiracy in terms of dealing with the Russians on this. But the chapter on collusion shows significant contact between people on the Trump campaign and with the Russians.”

He added, “Ultimately the conclusion here in this special counsel was it did not rise to the level of a violation of the law. But there is significant contact here. You might even say collusion … Again, collusion is not the crime. The crime is conspiracy to break a law. But there is significant contact between key members of the Trump Campaign and the Russians.”

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