Jesus' Coming Back

Border Crisis by the Numbers: Here’s What the Democrats Aren’t Telling You About Immigration

The Democrats don’t like to discuss specific facts about illegal immigration — but that’s only because the facts are so contrary to their preferred version of reality.

For more than two years, liberal lawmakers in Washington have done everything possible to misrepresent President Donald Trump’s stance on border security, arguing that the growing immigration crisis is nothing but a figment of the president’s imagination.

In a recent interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, for instance, Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro declared that the border crisis is “BS,” arguing that we “need to increase the number of refugees we are letting into this country.”

Other prominent Democrats have echoed this sentiment in the past, portraying Trump as a racist politician who “manufactured” the border crisis in order to justify building an “immoral” border wall.

Sadly, there’s a lot that the Democrats aren’t telling you when it comes to illegal immigration.

The Democrats aren’t telling you that while the “consensus” (i.e., media-approved) estimate is that there are around 12 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S., some scholars have calculated that the actual figure could be much higher — perhaps as many as 29.1 million.

To make matters worse, Democrats are also suspiciously silent about the fact that we’re on pace to add another 1.2 million illegal aliens by the end of this year, and that our Border Patrol officials are at a “breaking point,” in desperate need of additional resources to handle the influx.

Read the rest from Tom Tancredo HERE.

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