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Chris Cuomo: ‘I’m Not Going to Let People Say’ That CNN, Establishment Media Created ‘False Narrative’ Around Russia

During an on-air appearance Thursday, CNN host Chris Cuomo said that he wasn’t “going to let” people say that establishment media outlets, including his own, were misleading the public on the Trump-Russia story.

“I’m not going to let people say that, you know, CNN or the media, or whatever, have been creating a false narrative,” Cuomo declared.

“This report is plenty of proof that the questions that have been asked repeatedly were legit and that the answers we were getting consistently were not, especially once you get past the line of, ‘Hey, are you a felon?’ Once you move past that–the things they did, the meetings they had, the explanations they gave, were wrong consistently,” Cuomo said.

“One other point that I want to make, too. The reporting was, almost in every case correct. Read the Mueller report. All that reporting, we and a lot of other outlets did, had it nailed,” CNN reporter Chris Cillizza said in response.

CNN covered the Trump-Russia story nearly constantly for over two years, and last summer was engulfed in scandal over a shaky story about President Trump having prior knowledge of a meeting in Trump Tower between a Russian lawyer and campaign aides.

Some on CNN haven’t given up hope. Commentator Dana Bash simply declared on air Thursday that there was “‘collusion’ in the truest definition of the word” between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Follow Justin Caruso on Twitter @justincaruso2

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