Jesus' Coming Back

COMING ATTRACTIONS? Revealed: Islamic State Plan for Series of Paris-Style Massacres Across Europe

Plans for a series of Islamic State terrorist attacks across Europe in emulation of the Bataclan massacre in Paris, France, have been revealed.

In a letter to the Islamic State’s self-appointed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi uncovered by The Sunday Times, six jihadist leaders describe how they will use a number of so-called “crocodile cells” to acquire funds for terrorist operations through violent crime and perpetrate mass-casualty terrorist attacks against European civilians.

“Killing infidel venture capitalists, hacking banks through bank accounts, bank robberies or robberies of places that are pre-studied” will be some of the tactics used to accrue resources, the letter explains, promising that “After any operation of this kind, we will send the money as we procure it.”

The director of the cells, based in Germany and Russia but operating across Europe, possibly by exploiting the European Union’s borderless Schengen zone, is identified as one Abu Khabab al-Muhajir, with specific targets including German passenger trains and a petroleum refinery oil pipeline near Basel, Switzerland.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow link below to a related story:

ISIS member tasked with ‘bringing in migrants,’ newly obtained terror group documents show

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