Jesus' Coming Back

Press Concerned After Trump Enters Room Accompanied By Imperial March

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Members of the White House Press Corp reported their terrified concern after the White House Band began playing the Imperial March ahead of a Trump press conference Thursday afternoon, sources confirmed.

The solemn march has historically been associated with the rise of the Galactic Empire.

“Well, this can’t be a good sign,” one posted on Twitter along with the footage of Trump entering the room accompanied by the tune. “Does the White House understand the significance of this song?!?”

White House musicians then transitioned to the Emperor’s Theme, Duel of the Fates, and finally lightened things up a bit with a popular, upbeat Cantina song.

The President issued a public update on the progress of the federal government’s latest project, a large battle station the approximate size of a small moon. “Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen,” he said.

Trump was flanked by scores of Stormtroopers, Imperial guards, and TIE Fighter pilots, sources also confirmed at publishing time.

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