Jesus' Coming Back

US Supreme Court Declares It Will Review Major LGBT Case That Could Re-Write Employment Laws

Sodomite behavior has been accepted as a de facto cultural practice by the absolute majority of people. However, what remains to be done is to make the formal changes to the legal system to have its actions enforced by law. While some places have done this, the serious changes will be done in federal law, which will be forced upon all states regardless of their support or opposition. While there are some areas of the US already considered to be replicas of the historical Sodom, the elevation of sodomy into federal law will turn the entire nation into Sodom because it will not be an issue of geographic isolation, as the principles of the act will be enforced in all jurisdictions.

The US Supreme Court has announced they will hear a major case about “discrimination” in the workplace for sodomites, which will have nationwide impacts on employers depending on the outcome:

The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it would decide whether a federal law prohibits employers from discriminating against gay and transgender workers.

The law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, forbids employment discrimination based on sex. The question for the justices is whether that language bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or transgender status.

Most federal appeals courts have interpreted the law to exclude sexual orientation discrimination. But two of them, in New York and Chicago, recently issued decisions ruling that discrimination against gay men and lesbians is a form of sex discrimination.

The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case from New York, Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda, No. 17-1623, along with one from Georgia that came to the opposite conclusion, Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, No. 17-1618.

The New York case was brought by a sky-diving instructor who said he was fired because he was gay. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit concluded that “sexual orientation discrimination is motivated, at least in part, by sex and is thus a subset of sex discrimination.”

The Georgia case was brought by a child welfare services coordinator who said he was fired for being gay. The 11th Circuit, in Atlanta, ruled against him in a short, unsigned opinion that cited a 1979 decision that had ruled that “discharge for homosexuality is not prohibited by Title VII.”

The justices also agreed to decide the separate question of whether Title VII bars discrimination against transgender people. The case, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, No. 18-107, concerns Aimee Stephens, who was fired from a Michigan funeral home after she announced that she was a transgender woman and would start working in women’s clothing.

She sued and won in the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, in Cincinnati. Discrimination against transgender people, the court ruled, was barred by Title VII.

“It is analytically impossible to fire an employee based on that employee’s status as a transgender person without being motivated, at least in part, by the employee’s sex,” the court said, adding, “Discrimination ‘because of sex’ inherently includes discrimination against employees because of a change in their sex.”

There is a second issue in Ms. Stephens’s case, one that could allow her to win however the Supreme Court might rule on whether Title VII applies to discrimination against transgender people. In 1989, the court said discrimination against workers because they did not conform to gender stereotypes was a form of sex discrimination.

The Sixth Circuit ruled for Ms. Stephens on that ground, too, saying she had been fired “for wishing to appear or behave in a manner that contradicts the funeral home’s perception of how she should behave or appear based on her sex.”

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has said that Title VII bars discrimination against gay and transgender people. In recent briefs, the Trump administration has taken the opposite position. (source, source)

We will be watching this case, as should be all Christians, for if this case does change the law in favor of the sodomites, then it will be another step toward stripping the legal status of the churches within the government. As one priest noted many years ago, one of the final goals by those who seek a complete revolution in the US is to strip the tax-exempt status from the churches because it will permanently cripple the churches, and specifically the Catholic Church, from opposing the inherently tyrannical desires of the government that she wishes to impose on society while also legalizing the persecution of the churches in the law as well as legitimizing it in the eyes of the common people.

The Muslims do not have the ability to do this. However, the LGBT does, because they possess the mass support, financial resources, and will to do this. The Church will opposed, but has been successfully divided as the majority of Christians also support the LGBT. This applies to all churches- Catholic and Protestant.

The Catholic Church will survive, but will be greatly reduced in size and influence. The Protestant churches and many other smaller ones will be destroyed as they will lack the mass support, community, and resources to exist. It will expedite the eradication of religion from the US and the persecution of Christians for refusing to submit to the demands of the LGBT or any other ones which the government may decide to support that are opposed to the Faith.

Jesus Christ is King

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