Jesus' Coming Back

Harvard Invites Anti-Christian Speaker to Diversity Conference

Harvard Invites Anti-Christian Speaker to Diversity Conference

Tim Wise, an anti-racism activist and author, spoke at Harvard University’s “Decade of Dialogue” event last week, criticizing President Donald Trump of “always” being a racist.

Wise was speaking at the university’s annual diversity conference hosted by the faculty of arts and sciences. The conference is aimed at providing a “retrospective look at diversity and inclusion, a discussion of current issues, and practical guidance on how we can move toward greater inclusion and belonging at Harvard,” according to the website.

Wise said since the 2016 election that “the deep divisions that were always there [in American society] are more apparent.”

“Think about some of the things that have changed since ’01,” he said. “‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ was still policy. You had presidential candidates who wouldn’t have dreamt of talking about marriage equality. We weren’t talking about transphobia. How did that happen in 17 years?” 

“Because of the work of advocates throughout society pushing to change the narrative.”

According to CBN News, Wise has drawn criticism for his comments in the past. In 2012, he tweeted that “people who believe in a God of hell/damnation deserve to be mocked viciously and run out of public square. In 2015, he posted on Facebook that Christians should be “locked up” for believing what he called a “fairy tale.”

“If you are basing your morality on a fairy tale written thousands of years ago, you deserve to be locked up…detained for your utter inability to deal with reality,” he said in the post. 

“NO, we are not obligated to indulge your irrationality in the name of your religious freedom…but we will provide you a very comfortable room, against which walls you may hurl yourself hourly if you choose. Knock yourself out….seriously, knock yourself out, completely, for weeks at a time…I’m sorta kidding but not by much.”

Then in 2017, he called Christians “Jeezoids.”

Photo courtesy: Pixabay

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