Jesus' Coming Back

New App Helps You Find Token Friend Of Color

SUNNYVALE, CA—There’s a hot new app in Silicon Valley: Diversafriend. The app allows you to choose from thousands of different friends of color, so you can make racist jokes while assuring people it’s OK because you have a non-white friend.

The app features a searchable database of friends for hire, sorted by race. When you select a friend and pay the fee, they’ll come hang out with you for a designated amount of time. You can take selfies with them, tag them in photos on Facebook, and make racist jokes while they’re around. Then you’ll always have proof that you’re a very diverse, inclusive, loving person.

“Want a black friend so you can tell black jokes? Want an Asian friend so you can make a reference to how Asians are bad drivers? Diversafriend has got you covered,” said Diversafriend CEO Will Meyers, a savvy, white entrepreneur in his 20s. “Just the other day I used the app myself so I could be seen in public with a POC. It’s really good PR.”

Meyers got the idea for the app when he wanted to assure one of his college classmates he wasn’t racist, but then he realized he didn’t have a token black friend he could point to.

“I went back to my dorm and immediately began coding the app,” he said. “Now, I have friends of color at my fingertips, so you know I’m not racist.”

Mostly white churches can even sign up for a discount plan if they want to pay people of color to attend their services.

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