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Israel’s Ambassador Uses Bible to Prove Jewish People’s Claim to Israel at U.N. Session

Israel’s Ambassador Uses Bible to Prove Jewish People’s Claim to Israel at U.N. Session

In a passionate speech on Monday, Danny Danon, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, used the Bible as evidence to prove the Jewish right to claim Israel. 

During a special session at the United Nations Security Council on Monday, Danon defended the Jew’s religious and historical connection to Israel by citing four main pillars of reasons: “the Bible, history, international law, and the pursuit of international peace and security.”  

Danon, who has been the representative to the U.N. since 2015, cited God’s covenant with Israel, reading from Genesis 17: “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout the generations for an everlasting covenant. And I will give to you and your descendants after you all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and I will be their God.”

Dramatically raising his Bible in the air, he turned towards the ambassadors saying: “This is the deed to our land.” 

“From the book of Genesis to the Jews’ exodus, from Egypt to receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, and to the realization of God’s covenant in the holy land of Israel, the Bible paints a consistent picture. The entire history of our people and our connection to Eretz Israel begins right here,” he added, holding the Bible high. 

Danon went on to argue that not only does the Bible point out the Jews rights to Israel, but so does the Qur’an. 

“The Qur’an itself accepts the divine deed of the Jewish people to the land of Israel,” he pointed out. 

Danon explained that the Jewish kingdom was built twice and destroyed twice, by the Babylonians, and then the Romans. Not only was their kingdom destroyed, but Jews were forced out of their own land in 70 CE, Danon explained. 

“In 70 CE, Roman Emperor Titus destroyed our Second Temple, expelled the Jewish people, and renamed the land nestled between Egypt and Lebanon ‘Syria-Palestina, as a southern province of Syria. That is where the name Palestine comes from, though Jews still lived in Jerusalem,” he argued.

“For two millennia, Jews across the world continued to pray three times every day for our long-awaited return home to Zion and Jerusalem. As we just said on Passover last week, as we do every year, ‘Next year in Jerusalem!’” Danon said.

In a Twitter thread on April 29, Ambassador Danon shared the four pillars that he presented at the U.N. session. 

In his third tweet, Danon said: “To blame Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria for lack of peace misreads history.” 

He then listed out the various attempts at peace that Arabs have rejected over the years: “1937 Peel Commission Report, 1947 UN Partition Plan, 1948 Israel truce, 2000 Camp David Summit, 2001 Taba Summit, and the 2007 Annapolis Conference.” 

In his fourth and final tweet, Danon argued that in order to reach real peace, his four pillars must be realized. 

First, “Palestinians must accept and recognize the JEWISH State of Israel.” Second, “Palestinians must end their campaign of incitement.” Third, “Regional cooperation,” is necessary.” Fourth, “Israel will never compromise our security.”

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Drew Angerer/Staff

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