Jesus' Coming Back

Democrat State Representatives Declares His Support For Murdering “Retarded” And “Half-Deformed” Babies, Says ‘Some Kids Are Unwanted, So You Kill Them Now Or You Kill Them Later’

Presented without further commentary:

A Democratic state representative from Alabama is facing fierce backlash over his remarks in opposition to the abortion ban that was approved in his state, saying that “some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later.”

The Republican-controlled House in Alabama overwhelming approved a bill that would make it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of a pregnancy — with a sole exemption for women whose health is at risk. The measure passed with a 74-3 vote. The bill will now advance to the state Senate.

Supporters of the legislation hope that the fight will carry on to the U.S. Supreme Court and encourage the justices to revisit the landmark Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973.

However, one of the state-level opponents to the anti-abortion legislation, Democratic Rep. John Rogers of Birningham, spoke out against the vote.

“Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later,” Rogers said.

He continued by saying some children who face abortion could be “retarded” and “half-deformed.”

Rogers received major backlash for his remarks. (source, source)

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