Jesus' Coming Back

Read The Story And Talk By A Priest That A Major Christian News Website Tried To Shut Down About Sodomite Clerics In The Catholic Church

Lifesitenews is a Christian website with many well-researched and referenced stories. They put out a recent story about homosexuals in the priesthood and how it is a major problem.

It was not even out for a day, and the link was broken. The story was nowhere to be found.

However, we at did some digging and we found the story that somebody had reprinted on a private blog, with links and all.

We were able to salvage the story, and it is reprinted below here:

A Catholic priest has made the case that the “homosexualization of the Catholic priesthood” is at the heart of the “malaise” that has enveloped Western civilization.

In his lecture “Sacrificate sacrificium iustitiae: The Transformation Wrought by the Cross of Christ” (read full talk here), Fr. Kevin Reilly, O.P., a professor of moral theology at the Angelicum University in Rome, argued on Friday at the Rome Life Forum that the undervaluing of the nuptial symbol of the priesthood, with its dimension of sacrifice for the Bride of Christ, is not just part of the culture of death, but at its heart.

“The homosexualization of the priesthood has probably contributed to the advance of the culture of death in the Western world. Much attention has been afforded to the various phenomena of the culture of death, including homosexual relationships and gender ideology, as well as to their impact on heterosexual marriage and family. Many of those involved in waging battle against these phenomena have been priests and their efforts have been both well-directed and necessary,” he wrote.

“The time has come however to point out that the homosexualization of the priesthood has not only been a part of the wider problem but has also arguably been at the heart of the malaise that has enveloped Western civilization.”

Reilly argued that a life of loving sacrifice for others is the best expression of natural law. He holds that the natural inclinations of the human person — towards the good, preserving one’s life, and reproducing — are sacrificial in nature when rightly ordered. This is exemplified in Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, which was both priestly and matrimonial in nature, offering a sacrifice to God on behalf of His spouse, the Church.

Whereas homosexual priests can and do receive the charism of the priesthood, Reilly acknowledges, “the fact that they do not experience a natural attraction to members of the opposite sex serves to obscure the symbolism intrinsic to the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Christ, the Bridegroom, offers his whole being in sacrifice for His Spouse, the Church.”

Reilly believes that the rise of homosexuality in the priesthood is tied to the loss of emphasis on the mortification of the flesh and on self-sacrifice, leading to a sacrifice instead of the laity, who “have been sacrificed on the altar of clerical narcissism, particularly insofar as their right to be formed according to the Church’s faith and moral teaching is concerned.” (source)

But what about the talk that Fr. Reilly gave?

Not to worry, we were able to secure a full copy of that as well. has emphasized the point for years that there are some people in the pro-life movement who want abortion to keep going, and that there are also some in the anti-LGBT movement who want to secretly keep the sodomites in power.

This is both morally impossible as it is intolerable. All men have their problems, but right is right and wrong, and nothing can change what is absolute truth.

Hiding it only makes the problem worse.

Years ago, Ted initiated what he called Operation Whip, which is to drive those contributing to the moral filth in the Church out into the open, to be exposed and forced to deal with the consequences of their decisions that have crucified Christ again and soiled the name of His bride, the Church, and the good Christian people who are striving on the long road of sorrows that by the grace of God leads to eternal life as opposed to the broad path which heads to unending destruction. has exposed such people before, such as Fr. Robert Kincl and Msr. Michael Yarbrough. Ted confronted him in public about his actions.

Evil is like a cockroach, for it scatters when light is shown upon it.

There are many cockroaches in the Church that need to be cleaned out. The last thing that one needs is the proverbial environmentalist to come along and start talking about trying to protect the cockroach under a myriad of EPA and OSHA regulations.

The Bible makes clear that God is very patient and merciful, but He is not unjust, for mercy is given in order for men to have the opportunity to make amends before it is forced by justice.

If men do not care to amend their lives, then justice will be given.

It is better that men would expose the evils now and work as they can to drive them out, lest they be caught unprepared in a time of need, and when called to account for their lives and deeds, are found wanting.


Jesus Christ is King

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