Jesus' Coming Back

Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, And Oriental Orthodox Clerics Jointly Agree To Restore Church Of The Holy Sepulcher

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is one of the holiest sites in Christianity. However, the Church has also been the scene of intense conflict, particularly between the Eastern Orthodox Greeks and Oriental Orthodox Armenians, whose monks are known for publicly brawling in the Church to the point the Israeli police have to be called to break up the fighting.

While this history is sad, a hopeful resolution passed where the Catholics with the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches will work together to renovate the building:

The three churches in charge of Jerusalem’s holiest Christian site say they have reached an agreement to begin a multi-million dollar renovation of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Leaders of the Greek Orthodox, Catholic and Armenian churches issued a statement Monday announcing the project to restore the foundations and flooring of the church, where many Christians believe Jesus was crucified, entombed and resurrected.

A Greek team headed the 2016 restoration project to preserve the aedicule, a large structure inside the church housing the tomb. The upcoming second rehabilitation project will involve two Italian institutions.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is shared by multiple Christian sects under a status quo management agreement. Even perceived alterations to the status quo have resulted in arguments or violence. (source, source)

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