Mike Pence Affirms Trump ‘Absolutely Determined’ to Press Mexico on Border Crisis

Vice President Mike Pence affirmed Thursday President Donald Trump’s determination in pressing Mexico to address the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border.
“The president is absolutely determined to use the authorities he has as president to call on Congress, to call on Mexico, to do more to address this humanitarian crisis on our border,” the vice president said in a gaggle with press before departing Canada.
Pence made the remarks a couple of hours before President Trump revealed his plan to levy tariffs on Mexico until the illegal immigration problem is stemmed. The vice president was in Canada Thursday for meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Parliament regarding the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.
“We also need to see Mexico do more,” the vice president stated. “As the president said earlier today, he’s considering additional action using his authority as president, under the law, to make it clear to Mexico that they have to do more. They have to enter into a greater level of cooperation with the United States.”
The action Pence was referring to was revealed very shortly thereafter when President Trump tweeted the plan to place increasing tariffs on Mexico.
Pence tipped off the press that they would “see the president take action to call on Mexico to do more, to call on Congress to close the loopholes that have created and contributed to this massive humanitarian crisis.”
Asked by the press if new tariffs would make it harder to ratify the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement, Pence replied, “I don’t want to comment on what may or may not occur. … Whatever action the president may take in the days ahead will be about addressing the immediate humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border.”
Pence continued, “We really believe that if Congress will close the loopholes, if our neighbors to the south will do more, we can address this crisis, and we can move forward and improve the trading relationship between our three countries for generations to come.”
Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook
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