Jesus' Coming Back

Pope Francis Declares That Migrants Should Not Be Blamed For All Of Society’s Ills, And That Doing This Is A Sign Of Moral Decline

Pope Francis recently stated that migrants in Europe should not be blamed for all of society’s ill, and that blaming them is a sign of moral decline according to a report:

A day after the European Parliament elections, Pope Francis issued his annual message on migrants and said the attitude that they are the source of all of society’s ills “is an alarm bell warning of the moral decline” the world faces.

Francis said the presence of migrants in wealthy countries is instead an invitation “to recover some of those essential dimensions of our Christian existence and our humanity.”

Officials stressed that Francis’ message was not political but pastoral and the Vatican did not comment on the European Parliament vote. But some church leaders weighed in.

At a press conference launching the migrant message Monday, the head of the European conference of Catholic bishops, Luxembourg Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, said the results of the European Parliament vote “would have been worse” if Francis and the Catholic Church hadn’t consistently stood up for migrants.

The leader of Italy’s right-wing populist League party, Matteo Salvini, is firmly anti-migrant and his party came in first in Italy’s EU vote. (source, source)

There are many things that Francis needs to be criticized for. Indeed, there are many Catholics both in the hierarchy who have expressed a legitimate, formal, and well-thought out in official publications and documents that Pope Francis is in a state of heresy concerning various opinions he has expressed. This is a highly serious charge, but not without proper justification.

However, declaring that it is wrong to place the bulk of society’s ills on migrants, or to blame them disproportionately for other social problems, is NOT one of those issues. To the contrary, Francis is exercising a necessary and moral voice on the matter when governments and those under their control have politicized the issue of migration to dangerous ends that historically lead to mass violence.

There are many points to be said about migration, as there is no side without some legitimate complaint against the other. It is true that much of the public violence in Europe today- the increase in muggings, murders, violent attacks, and the related -has come from and can be traced to the recent mass migrations from Africa and Asia. However, there is another side that is consistently ignored, which is the fact that the governments of Europe created the conditions to attract the worst migrants possible with the least hope of successful integration. As I have pointed out, it is a proven fact that the “migrants” were trafficked into Europe has human cargo and as many as possible dumped into there with no regard for them other than how much welfare could be slapped onto them as they got off the boats, and this was done in order that the government and political groups, regardless of particular affiliations, could say “Look how much welfare these invaders are using,” when the reality is that the “invasion” and “welfare use” was both invited and encouraged by those making the comments.

The entire migrant “crisis” is a political theater whose purpose is to anger the masses so they support government policies that lead to war and eugenics. This is the simple explanation. Nobody can or should deny the real problems that exist involving migrants, but as the Pope correctly says, the migration issue has become a scapegoat for greater social problems and is a warning of severe moral decline, which always leads to conflict.

Give blame where blame is due, and this applies to all people. The migrants have their share of blame, but so do the native societies, as governments are reflections of the people, and many people in society would rather choose to live in idleness, the comforts of luxury, and sterility.

Some will say that Francis’ message is political, and while almost any commentary on social issues has a political dimension to it, this is objectively a “pastoral” issue because in this case, Pope Francis is doing what the Church has always done for Europe, and that is to be the voice of morality and conscience when revolutionary factions, whatever the country in Europe it is, begin to rise up and use social issues to leverage their own political power.

Murdering “refugees” will not solve the problem because mass murder does not solve issues, only creating more. Likewise, deporting people or enforcing law will not work because the legal system was intentionally broken in order that more laws concerning both morality and ethics may be broken. Indeed, how does one expect to claim that “We need to enforce the law on these illegals” when it was those charged with law who not only let in a few, but perpetrated an entire scheme to let in countless numbers so that militarism and eugenics, the scourge of the twentieth century, could be justified as an acceptable remedy to society’s ills?

The immigration issue is ultimately a moral crisis because the plight of poor and vulnerable people is being used to lobby for a philosophy that is designed to murder them and then turn on at least part of those who are lobbying for the murder. The answer to this issue begins with a return to God, which while many nationalists speak frequently of “God” and “Christianity” and “our Christian roots”, do not believe in any of it at all, and instead continue to pursue views rooted in the errors of the 18th century who manifested themselves in the Cabalistic roots of the French Revolution and continue through today.

Pastor Martin Niemoller is famously quoted as saying in his poem “First they came…”:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. (source)

Perhaps Pastor Niemoller’s poem needs to be updated, with “First they came for the refugees,” because given what we know and what is taking place, the likelihood is that they will be among the first targeted before moving on to the rest of society.

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