Jesus' Coming Back

CE Prepares for Mass Deportations, Acting Director Admits ‘We Have No Choice’

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

And the crisis at the border is absolutely a crisis. If you have any doubt about that, read this now.

In response to the crisis, President Donald Trump’s administration is moving forward with a plan for large-scale deportations. The proposal would address a current problem area — migrant families who fail to attend their court dates, when they would learn their asylum claims have been denied and be ordered for deportation.

According to Washington Examiner, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Mark Morgan, said ICE hopes the plan will “disincentivize” migrants who are not actually in fear of their lives but still cross the border illegally and falsely claim asylum.

Why take this drastic step now? Because it’s a crisis. It really is. Even though the left says it’s not a crisis, then says it is, then says it’s not, then says it is, and then says it is not — make no mistake — it is absolutely a crisis.

So, the time to act is right now.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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