Jesus' Coming Back

Hindu Nationalist Terrorists Attack And Beat Couple In Their Home For Becoming Christians

The recent re-election of the BJP has empowered Hindu nationalists throughout India to continue their reign of terror against the Christian minority. A Hindu nationalist mob attacked and beat a couple in their home for converting to Christianity according to a report:

On June 4, a Christian man and his wife were severely beaten by a mob of Hindu radicals in India’s northern Bihar state. The brutal attack comes less than a week after Prime Minister Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were sworn into their second term leading India’s national government.

According to Pastor Mohan Kumar, a mob of 15 Hindu radials, led by a man named Raghu, attacked and beat Saggudas, a 35-year-old Christian, and his wife Susheelia Devi in their home located in Janakipur village. After forcing themselves into Saggudas’ home, the mob brutally beat the Christian couple, resulting in internal injuries. After the assault, the mob locked the Christian couple inside their own home.

Prior to the attack, the leadership of Janakipur village imposed a social boycott against Saggudas and his family because of their conversion to Christianity last month. Speaking to International Christian Concern (ICC), Pastor Kumar reports that Saggudas and his family had been denied access to the village’s water well for ten days prior to the attack. To help Saggudas, Christians from a neighboring village were fetching water for the Christian family.

Last month, Saggudas and his wife converted to Christianity and began attending Yesu Bachata Hai Church where Pastor Kumar serves as head pastor. Soon after news of their conversions spread, the Christian couple was ordered to recant their new found faith or face a social boycott.

“I have been serving in this area since 2017 and there are three families who regularly attend church,” Pastor Kumar told ICC. “However, these families constantly endure harassment and discrimination for following Jesus.”

Less than a week ago, Prime Minister Modi and his BJP were sworn into their second term leading India’s national government. Many religious minorities, including Christians, have feared that the BJP’s political success will continue to drive ever escalating levels of religious intolerance and violence. Since declaring victory following India’s national election, reports of religiously motivated violence, like the attack on Suggudas and his wife, have continued to be documented from across the country. (source)

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