Jesus' Coming Back

Paula White Prays that ‘Every Demonic Network’ against Trump Would Be Broken

Paula White Prays that ‘Every Demonic Network’ against Trump Would Be Broken

Prosperity Preacher and President Trump’s spiritual advisor Paula White kicked off Trump’s re-election campaign with a fiery prayer, asking God to eliminate “every demonic network” seeking to ruin Trump’s re-election next year.

“I pray for the spirit of the Lord to rest upon our president and let your favor cause his horn, his power to be exalted according to Psalm 89:17. Lord, your word says in Psalm 2:1-4, why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain. The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed saying, let us break their chains and throw off their shackles,” she prayed at the Orlando rally to nearly 20,000 people, according to Christian Post. “… Father, you have raised President Trump up for such a time as this.”

She continued by asking God to reveal “the secrets” and “mystery of his will” to the president while surrounding him with “godly counsel.”

“I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell and every strategy from the enemy, every strategy. And he will fulfill his calling and his destiny,” she continued. “Let the secret council of wickedness be turned to foolishness right now in the name of Jesus.”

She concluded: “I secure his calling, I secure his purpose, I secure his family, and we secure victory in the name which is above every name … the name of Jesus Christ.”

According to the New York Times, Trump promised in his rally speech to keep fighting against “fake news” and the “Russian hoax.” He didn’t offer a new campaign message, but instead pointed to the danger of his opponents. 

Paula White’s plea against Trump’s enemies stands in contrast to evangelical pastor David Platt’s prayer a few weeks ago. As previously reported by Christian Headlines, the president visited McLean Bible Church in Virginia to offer his condolences after a shooting in the state. Platt prayed over him, asking God to give him wisdom and trust, but never mentioned Trump’s opponents or petitioned for re-election victory.

When Platt received criticism for the prayer, he responded: “My aim was in no way to endorse the president, his policies, or his party, but to obey God’s command to pray for our president and other leaders to govern in the way this passage [1 Timothy 2:1-6]portrays.”

Robert Jeffress, Dallas pastor and Trump supporter, attended the rally.

“Honored to be at official launch of President @realDonaldTrump’s re-election campaign. Unbelievable energy in arena! Talked with POTUS before rally—upbeat and optimistic. Let’s continue to pray for our great President!” he tweeted.

Author and pastor Brian Zahnd of the Word of Life Church in Missouri, however, admonished him for his support.

“The devil took Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. Satan said to Jesus: All this I will give you if you will fall down and worship me. Jesus said: Be gone, Satan! You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve,” Zahnd responded to Jeffress.

A recent exit poll revealed 80 percent of self-identified white born-again or evangelical Christians will likely support Trump again in his re-election.

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla/Staff

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