‘No Such Thing as Girls and Boys’? Canadian Couple Files Complaint After Gender Lessons Confuse Daughter
OTTAWA — A Canadian couple has filed a complaint with a human rights tribunal as they state that their six-year-old daughter came home confused after her teacher allegedly told the class that there is “no such thing as girls and boys.”
Jason and Pamela Buffone state that first graders at Devonshire Community Public School in Ottawa, Ontario were shown a video last year entitled “He, She and They?!? — Gender.” The video (pictured above) is part of a YouTube channel called Queer Kid Stuff.
“Well, Teddy, did you know that some people aren’t boys or girls?” the host asked the talking teddy bear “Teddy.” “Some people are boys. Some people are girls. And some people are people.”
As the host had told Teddy that there’s nothing wrong with boys wearing dresses, a confused Teddy then asked how one can know someone’s gender if boys and girls can wear the same clothes.
“All you have to do is ask someone what their pronoun is,” the host asserted. “When you meet someone, just ask them what their pronoun is.”
Teddy then concluded that he doesn’t feel like a boy or a girl, “so I guess my pronoun is ‘they.’”
The Buffones state that during the course of two months of gender lessons, including the teacher allegedly telling the class that “there is no such thing as girls and boys” and “girls are not real and boys are not real,” their daughter came home confused as to why it is not “real” that she is a girl.
The Post Millennial reports that the child asked her parents if she could “go to a doctor” to discuss the issue, and that she was “not sure if she wanted to be a mommy.”
Concerned about how the lessons had affected their daughter, the Buffones spoke with the teacher, but as she did not rectify the situation, the couple then contacted the principal, Julie Derbyshire. However, Derbyshire defended the lessons, stating the teacher had engaged the students on the subject as one child had an interest in identifying as the opposite gender.
The Buffones then moved on to the board superintendent and curriculum superintendent. However, “[t]he school board did not agree to communicate with parents when sensitive discussions took place, nor did they agree to issue any directive or take corrective action in order to ensure that children of female gender identity were positively affirmed.”
The couple consequently decided to enroll their daughter in another school, where she is doing better and has made affirmative remarks about how certain objects are indeed “real.”
They have now also taken their case to a provincial human rights tribunal, and are asking that the court order the board to ensure that classroom lessons do “not devalue, deny, or undermine in any way the female gender identity.” They also request that teachers inform parents “when lessons on gender identity will take place or have taken place, including the teaching objectives and the materials that will be or have been used for such lessons.”
According to The College Fix, the board asserts that the tribunal doesn’t have the power to rule in such a case, and that even so, no discrimination took place as alleged.
In Mark 10:6, Jesus said, “But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.”
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