Fun New Teen Vogue Quiz Helps Girls Find Out What Kind Of Hooker They Should Be
U.S.—A new quiz published on Teen Vogue this week aims to help teen girls figure out what kind of hooker they should be.
By answering a set of fun questions, girls are able to figure out if they should be a high-class escort or a more run-of-the-mill “lady of the night” when they decide to go into sex work in the future.
“It’s important for us to help young girls make good decisions about what kind of sex work they should do,” said a Teen Vogue representative. “Whether that’s through a listicle telling them 37 fun ways to find sex work, an editorial proclaiming that sex work is real work, or a quiz that helps girls figure out what kind of hooker they should be, our goal is always to accelerate the depravity of our nation’s young, female minds.”
The quiz asks fun questions like what a teen girl’s favorite color is, what her favorite boy band is, and what kind of makeup they like to wear to determine their future sex work occupation.
“It’s a fun, exciting way to prepare our teen girls for all kinds of depravity.”

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