Jesus' Coming Back

Pam Tebow Discusses the Impact Sharing the Power of God Has on Our Families, Communities

Pam Tebow Discusses the Impact Sharing the Power of God Has on Our Families, Communities

There are some people that resonate beauty and grace with a simple, “hello”.  Pam Tebow, the mother of Tim Tebow, is one of those people. It is clear in Pam’s tone and manner that she loves both Jesus and her family. 

In her new book titled Ripple Effects: Discover the Miraculous Motivating Power of a Woman’s Influence, Pam highlights the important roles mothers and women play in influencing their families and their communities.

The book is centered around Pam’s belief that everyone can be a positive influence, as long as they make the conscious choice to follow God every day. It also notes that the desire to be a positive influence on their kids and in their communities is deep within a woman’s heart.

“I always had a heart to write a book, but I wanted the Lord to orchestrate when I was ready and not myself,” Pam told Christian Headlines. “Being an author was a direct answer to my prayers,” she added.

The mother of five always knew that God was going to use her children’s lives, so she sought out the power of God to help her impact her children and their community in a positive way. 

In 1985, God presented his power to Pam, when he called her, her husband Bob, and their kids to serve in the Philippines as missionaries. 

“It was during that time in my life that God made it clear to me that nothing is too difficult or hard for Him,” Pam shared.

As a mother of four small children, living in a foreign country where they had no relationships, Pam began to discover the power and depth of what God had planned for her family. 

Pam, who was pleasant and calm during our interview, is clear that faith in God and a belief that everything is going to turn out alright is important in raising and making an impact in the lives of children.

“It was during my time in the Philippines that my faith muscle in God got stronger,” she said. While in the Philippines, Pam would give birth to her fifth child, Tim “Timmy” Tebow. Pam would contract amoebic dysentery and fall into a temporary coma while she was pregnant with Tim, The Florida Times-Union reports. Before discovering that she was pregnant, doctors would treat her illness with a strong antibiotic that caused complications, putting her baby at risk. Once the doctors realized that she was with child, for her own health, they encouraged her to have an abortion. Pam refused and thus, Tim Tebow was born. Pam told Christian Headlines that Tim’s birth was “the biggest miracle I’ve ever seen.”

When asked if she is surprised by what Tim has been able to accomplish, she is the first to point out that she is not. Like most mothers would assert, Pam noted that she knew all of her children would be special.

Pam thanks the Lord for the favor bestowed upon her family. She notes that prayer is an important and influential act for mothers to do for their children. “I prayed a variety of prayers for all my children, in that God would surround them with his favor,” she shared. 

Pam understands that each family is different, but she is adamant in pointing out that Bob – her husband of 48 years – was her biggest fan in encouraging her to influence each of their children with the love of God.

One can tell that Pam’s confidence is not in material things, but in the lifestyle she has taught Tim and all of her children to live by – a lifestyle of having love for God and a humble spirit.

Photo courtesy: Pixabay, This is a stock photo.

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