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Peter Thiel: Elizabeth Warren Is Most ‘Dangerous’ 2020 Candidate

Appearing Monday on the Fox News Channel, billionaire technology investor and Trump supporter Peter Thiel said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-CA) is the most “dangerous” 2020 White House hopeful.

“I’m most scared by Elizabeth Warren,” Thiel said on Tucker Carlson Tonight. “She’s the one that’s actually talking about the economy, which is the thing that matters most.

“The others are equally unimpressive in the sense that it’s all identity politics of one flavor or another, and I wouldn’t want to rank how unimpressive they are, since that would be forcing me to rank the different identities and which one’s more privileged and more special,” Thiel told Carlson.

In the same interview, Thiel doubled down on his call for the FBI and CIA to launch an investigation into Google to determine whether the Silicon Valley giant has been infiltrated by the government of China.
“I think the Chinese are confident enough, the Ministry of State Security is likely to have infiltrated Google, and then I think the Google management has sort of a decision of either letting the software go out the front door, or figuring, it will get stolen anyway and go out the back door,” argued Thiel.
Asked why Google would work with the Chinese government and not the U.S. military, the Facebook board member suggested Silicon Valley’s progressivism could be at play.
” I think of course, there’s probably you know, a broad base of Google employees that are ideologically super left-wing sort of woke, and think that China is better than the U.S. Or that the U.S. is worse than China,” he said. “It’s always — it’s more anti-American than anything.”

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