Jesus' Coming Back

‘Appalled’ WV Senator Sends Trump Letter Over Use of Lord’s Name in Vain During NC Rally

CHARLESTON, W.V. — A Democratic senator in West Virginia who supports Donald Trump has sent the president a letter to ask that he consider his “terrible choice of words” as he twice used the Lord’s name in vain during Wednesday’s rally in North Carolina.

Sen. Paul Hardesty, D-Logan, sent the exhortation to Trump on Thursday to remind him that the name of God should not be used as a curse word.

“I have a real appreciation of your support for the coal industry and I thank you for that,” he wrote. “I am, however, appalled by the fact that you chose to use the Lord’s name in vain on two separate occasions when you went off the prompter during your speech.”

“There is NO place in society — anywhere, anyplace and at anytime — where that type of language should be used or handled,” Hardesty cautioned. “Your comments were not presidential. I know in my heart that you are better than that.”

In one instance, Trump spoke of a businessman that he is at odds with, and how the man reluctantly admitted that his business was prospering under the Trump presidency.

“I said, ‘You don’t like me and I don’t like you. I never have liked you and never have liked me. But you’re gonna support me because you’re a rich guy. If you don’t support me, you are going to be so [expletive] poor, you are not going to believe it,’” Trump stated.

The crowd then broke out laughing and cheering.

The president used the word a second time in speaking about Iran and how the military might have to take action, if worse comes to worse.

“I would respectfully ask that you examine yourself, reflect on your comments, and never utter these words again,” Hardesty wrote. “Please remember, Mr. President, in the United States of America, ‘In God We Trust,’ not curse.”

Read the letter here.

As previously reported, Trump has been known for using profanity, an aspect that has raised concern among some evangelicals.

In 2016, NBC’s Peter Alexander also asked Trump about a television advertisement by the American Future Fund Political Action Committee that highlighted the then-candidate’s repeated use of expletives.

“A lot of parents are trying to figure out how to explain some of the language they’re hearing on the campaign trail,” Alexander stated, expressing concern.

“Oh, you’re so politically correct. You’re so beautiful. Oh, look at you. Awww,” Trump responded in a demeaning tone, resulting in laughter from others in the room. “Oh, I know. You’ve never heard a little bad, a little off language. I know, you’re so perfect. Aren’t you perfect.”

“I’m hardly perfect,” Alexander replied, telling Trump that he simply would like an answer to his question.

“Give me a break,” Trump said. “You know what? It’s stuff like that that people in this country are tired of. It’s stuff like that.”

Exodus 20:7 states, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.”

Ephesians 4:29 likewise teaches, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

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