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Tulsi Gabbard: Trump ‘Is Inciting Racism and Violence in Our Country’

Monday on ABC’s “The View,” Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) said President Donald Trump was “inciting racism and violence,” by continuing his feud with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), known as “The Squad.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin asked, “The president hasn’t backed down on his attacks on the four freshmen congresswomen. This weekend he tweeted this, ‘I don’t believe the four congresswomen are capable of loving our country.’ Do you think the president is inciting violence against these women?”

Gabbard said, “The president is inciting racism and violence in our country as a whole. This is what’s so dangerous about what he’s doing is he’s using his platform to incite this racism and bigotry when really he’s just doing it for his own political gain. So when President Trump says —he’s saying love it or leave it, right?  What he’s really saying is love me or leave. He’s making it about himself saying that, if you disagree with Trump, if you disagree with his views, then you should leave. You don’t belong here. And that’s really what’s so dangerous is he is seeing himself as America rather than recognizing the fundamental values of our country are based on our freedom of speech to agree or disagree.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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