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House passes bill that calls to sanction Palestinian terror groups

Brian Mast

Brian Mast. (photo credit: CAMPAIGN WEBSITE)


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WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives approved on Tuesday a bill that calls to sanction Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups.

House Resolution 1850, the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act, sponsored by Rep. Brian Mast (R-Florida-18) is asking “to impose sanctions with respect to foreign support for Palestinian terrorism, and for other purposes.”

The bill directs the president to submit an annual report to Congress, identifying people or agencies that “knowingly assists in, sponsors, or provides significant financial or material support” for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and its affiliates.”

The legislation directs the president to impose at least two different financial sanctions on the people or agencies that are identified as assisting these terror groups.

The bill also requires the president to report to Congress on each government that provides support for acts of terrorism and provides material support to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad or any affiliate organization. A foreign government that would support the terror organizations could face its foreign aid being cut off. The president could waive the obligation for imposing sanctions on a case-by-case basis.

“Radical Islamic terrorists – like Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad – have made it clear that they will stop at nothing to reign terror on innocent people around the world. Hamas is single-handedly responsible for the deaths of numerous Americans and Israelis,” Mast said is a statement. “These sanctions send a strong message to anybody who supports these radicals preaching the destruction of Israel and death to everything we hold dear in the United States.”

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