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Teen Vogue Uses Snapchat to Teach Teens How to Get an Abortion

Teen Vogue Uses Snapchat to Teach Teens How to Get an Abortion

Teen Vogue has been using a popular social media app to help teenagers obtain an abortion. 

Building on a June article titled, “How to Get an Abortion if You’re a Teen,” the magazine’s shocking Snapchat story not only advised youngsters on how to attain the procedure but also laid out exactly how young people can get a termination without attaining parental consent.

“No matter what your parents’ abstract views are, they might behave far more tenderly when their own child needs access to abortion care,” the article read, before offering a step-by-step guide on how to circumvent the authority of their parents and achieve an abortion on their own accord.

“There is another legal option in many states that would let you get an abortion without parental approval called a judicial bypass procedure — but it takes time and involves testifying before a judge,” the story continued.

“In any case, you can also contact your local abortion fund if you need help paying for it on your own.”

The teen-focused lifestyle magazine featured its controversial Snapchat story on the app’s discovery page, which usually displays advertisers’ stories for 24 hours at a cost of up to $50,000.

“Imagine this… ” reads one of the images featured as part of the Snapchat story,” according to The Daily Caller. “You’re 16, you’re pregnant, and you don’t want to be. How can you go about getting an abortion if you’re under 18? Read on to find out more…”

According to market research company e-Marketer, a staggering ninety-two percent of U.S. teenagers aged 12 to 17 use Snapchat – so the reach that this post has enjoyed is absolutely terrifying to think about.

“This is atrocious,” tweeted pro-life organization Live Action in response to the story.

In an article on the controversy, the group noted that “if anything, teens and parents should be encouraged to be more involved in each other’s lives, because when unplanned pregnancies occur, a supportive and caring family can make all the difference for a terrified girl.”

“Anyone who wants to pit children against their parents is no friend to families. All they’re doing is helping the abortion industry to make more profits,” Live Action added.

“Yeah this is actually disturbing,” wrote another Twitter user. “Teen Vogue should be ashamed of themselves.”

Teen Vogue has yet to respond to the controversy over the post.


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Photo courtesy: Web Hosting/Unsplash

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