Jesus' Coming Back

Christians Face New Threat Along the Boni Forest in Nigeria

(International Christian Concern) On July 12, in the Maleli village of Nigeria’s Lamu County, Benson Karisa Shida, a Christian crop farmer was attacked by the nomadic Orma herders who are a predominantly Muslim sect.

Before the attack, he got into a squabble with the herders because their cattle fed on his maize crops. Benson tried to vacate the group and their cattle; however, he was outnumbered as there were approximately 50 herdsmen with numerous cattle. They refused to leave, beat Benson, and allowed their cattle to eat all the maize crops Benson was anticipating to harvest in two months.

In addition to losing his land, Benson sustained head injuries from the attack. While speaking to International Christian Concern (ICC), he said, “I was the only one on the farm during the incident and that’s why they took advantage of destroying my crops. I wondered why they left other areas with grass to bring their cattle to the maize plantations in the village.”

“Lately, we have been having constant conflicts with them especially since they are Muslim nomadic herdsmen and we are Christian farmers engaged in crop production.”

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