Jesus' Coming Back

Fox News Poll Shows Trump Losing To Four Major Democrat Contenders

It is highly likely that Trump will still win in 2020. However, there seems to be something of a shift in the nation that signals noted discontent with him. This was indicated by a recent Fox News poll, which showed Trump losing to four of the top Democrat contenders:

A Fox News poll released Thursday showed President Trump losing head-to-head matchups against four of the top Democratic presidential primary contenders.

The poll found Trump with 39 percent support among registered voters in head-to-head matchups against Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). The poll found Sanders beating Trump with 48 percent, Warren winning over Trump with 45 percent and Harris winning with 46 percent support.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, beat Trump in the theoretical matchup with 50 percent support among those surveyed, compared to Trump’s 38 percent.

Among Democratic primary contenders, Warren saw the largest gain in support in the poll — an 8 percent jump from last month’s survey. Warren, according to the poll, took second place behind Biden with the support of 20 percent of Democratic primary voters.

Sanders dropped to third, now at 10 percent in the poll and the only other candidate aside from Warren and Biden scoring double digit support among voters.

Biden dropped slightly in the poll from a previous Fox News poll in July, from 33 percent to 31 percent, but remains the clear front-runner in the race according to the survey.

The Fox News poll was taken between Aug. 11-13 and contacted 1,013 registered voters on landlines and cellphones. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percent for all registered voters, and 4.5 percent for Democratic primary voters. (source, source)

Now one should not just trust polls. During the 2016 election, all polls suggested a Clinton win, and it was clear that the opposite came to pass.

However, it does not mean that one should not ignore the pattern, which is the cyclical flow between the Democrats and the Republicans.

Right now, the Democrats are starting to adapt to Trump’s tactics. It still remains likely that Trump will win in 2020. However, based on current observation, there is a Democrat backlash preparing and that given the patterns today will likely use the “Trump pattern” to model themselves after. In that way, they will speak with the same kind of incendiary, unclear, and often times inflammatory language that Trump uses, except it will be for their own party.

Some are saying that the future is changing, but that does not seem to be a complete analysis. The future has already changed, and it is one that is highly divided and could lead to political violence. This is something that one must watch for in the future, as it sets the social and cultural scene for a conflict between the two sides that directly seems to mirror the “strategy of tension” used by the US throughout the latter half of the 20th century as a part of Operation Gladio.

In spite of this future, the pattern remains clear. Both sides are evil, there is no “better” alternative, and one cannot trust in politicians to solve their problems.

Jesus Christ is King

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