Jesus' Coming Back

Daughter Of Major Jewish Rabbi Goes Into The Porn Business

It is not an exaggeration to say that, at the very least in modern history, there is a well-documented and almost prideful link between Jewish communities and the pornography industry, which encompasses many venues including but not limited to prostitution, “adult films,” sex trafficking, “adult businesses,” and other forms of sexual debauchery. In the famous words of the Jewish pornography Al Goldstein, “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks.” (source).

The daughter of the Rabbi Shmully Boteach, the same rabbi who said that “gay relationships are no worse than smoking“, has now opened a pornographic business selling adult products targeted to an orthodox Jewish market in Israel according to a report:

A new store in Tel Aviv is looking to revive intimacy and sex in relationships — while keeping it kosher, of course.

Chana Boteach is the daughter of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, an American Orthodox rabbi best known for his 1999 best-seller “Kosher Sex: A Recipe for Passion and Intimacy.” In her own way, Chana is following the family tradition after recently opening a boutique sex shop in the heart of Tel Aviv.

“‘Kosher Sex’ is really about recapturing sex and reclaiming it as what it was supposed to be initially, which is to create intimacy between two people,” Boteach, 28, tells Haaretz. With the new store and her father’s teachings, she hopes to help people rediscover their sensuality according to the tenets of Judaism.

She offers the Jewish concept of tikkun olam, encouraging any activity that helps improve the world: “Sexuality has a lot to do with that. In one way, it can be the holiest thing you can do,” Boteach says. “And it can also be degraded, like we’re seeing in secular society today where sexuality is accompanied by scandal. People are associating it with pain.”

If she were to display a biblical quote in her store, she would choose one from Genesis: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). “That’s true intimacy when you become one,” Boteach says. “That’s what we really promote.”

Although her store places an emphasis on married couples, Boteach stresses that all customers are welcome. “Anyone who believes in commitment and bringing love into this world and being intimate with someone and wants to learn — they’re welcome here,” she says. This applies to all couples, whether they are gay, straight or whatever.

While Boteach notes “it does say in the Torah that there are issues with homosexuality,” she counters that by saying she was “brought up with the idea that there are 613 mitzvoth [commandments] for everyone to keep, and if you can’t keep one, you [can’t] keep two or whatever number, you keep the rest. You do as much as you can — that’s Judaism.” (source, source)

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