Jesus' Coming Back

Is James MacDonald Returning to Ministry?

Is James MacDonald Returning to Ministry?

Former Harvest Bible Chapel pastor James MacDonald reportedly shared some news on a closed Facebook page indicating that he may be returning to ministry. 

According to the Christian Post, MacDonald – who was ousted from HBC earlier this year after being accused of bullying and financial mismanagement – shared on closed Facebook group Walk in the World Partners that he is looking forward to sharing the word of God again in the coming days.

The former megachurch pastor wrote, in part, “we will be back soon w[ith] fresh messages from God’s Word. All free – all digital – all the time, as promised.”

In the message, MacDonald also noted that he looks forward to reconciling differences with others as he prepares for the truth to “come to light.” 

He wrote, “Please continue in prayer for Kathy and I – there has been a great deal of loss for us this year but we love one another and the Lord and have prayed fervently not to say or do anything during our trial that would undermine our many years of teaching you God’s Word.”

He continued, “We have prayed to practice our biblical teaching on love and God has surely allowed us to be stretched. There is much we could say, as so much is not at all what has been portrayed. But we look to the Lord for forgiveness where I did fail as a leader and for vindication of false statements that will not cover forever what others have done.”

“God is in control, truth will come to light in his time. When Our Lord moves to remedy these injustices and bring healing between hearts humbled before him, we will have all the more reason to praise Him. We are ready now with open arms and pray for others to meet us in genuine Christian reconciliation,” he asserted.

The screenshots of MacDonald’s post were posted to Julie Roys’ website on Thursday. Roys played a major role in MacDonald’s termination.

As Christian Headlines previously reported, in 2018, Roys published an exposé in World Magazine about MacDonald and his Chicago-based church. Two other writers for The Elephant’s Debt blog also criticized MacDonald and HBC for poor management and leadership. 

According to Church Leaders, Roys backed accusations made by former HBC elders that MacDonald was guilty of “self-promotion…love of money…domineering and bullying…abusive speech…outbursts of anger…[and] making misleading statements.” MacDonald was also accused of self-dealing and financial mismanagement.

Soon after these accusations were made, HBC filed suit against the three writers for defamation of character. 

Months into the lawsuit, however, the church dropped the suit, placed MacDonald on an indefinite sabbatical and in February the church cut ties with the pastor.

Read MacDonald’s full post below:

Greetings loved ones, 

Please continue in prayer for Kathy and I – there has been a great deal of loss for us this year but we love one another and the Lord and have prayed fervently not to say or do anything during our trial that would undermine our many years of teaching you God’s Word.

We have prayed to practice our biblical teaching on love and God has surely allowed us to be stretched. There is much we could say, as so much is not at all what has been portrayed. But we look to the Lord for forgiveness where I did fail as a leader and for vindication of false statements that will not cover forever what others have done.

God is in control, truth will come to light in his time. When Our Lord moves to remedy these injustices and bring healing between hearts humbled before him, we will have all the more reason to praise Him. We are ready now with open arms and pray for others to meet us in genuine Christian reconciliation.

Our health is good, our children have found other places of fruitful ministry and many prayers have been answered along these lines. 

Our broadcast partners are our family now and we will be back soon w fresh messages from God’s Word. All free – all digital – all the time, as promised. If you want to write to us – we are reading all mail personally at:

James and Kathy MacDonald 

PO Box 5368 

Elgin IL 60121

Just this week I met a man at a gas station in Casper Wyoming (while travelling to see our grankids) who approached me with a strong word He knew it was me and I wouldn’t look up but just began to weep as he said boldly: “James, I love you and many others do too. I can’t make sense of all that has happened in your ministry – just seems like it all could have been worked out. God is not done with you yet

– get back to preaching God’s word, as we all need to hear from you.”

Wow – I cannot tell you what these suprise and very kind words, so on point and from the Lord have meant to me. I am so thankful for a faithful messenger. In God’s time we desire to be that messenger in your life again, afresh.

Great days of triumph and victory always follow days of testing – we look forward to sharing with you in brand new ways – all the Lord has been teaching us and what His calling is for us.

Much love to you in Christ,

James and Kathy

Photo courtesy: Esther 5000/Creative Commons, Cropped to 1200×627

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