Podcast #10: Civil Discourse Fight Club
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In the tenth episode of The Babylon Bee podcast, editor-in-chief Kyle Mann and creative director Ethan Nicolle talk about the somehow controversial topic of civil discourse. Is one political party so abysmally far gone that the only option left is to take to the streets punching people? Should enemies talk? Would it be possible to start a secret meet up where people agree to duke it out in conversation but not punch each other?
They also discuss a few news stories and read some hate mail as usual.
(Sorry if this confuses you, but this is a real podcast, not a joke. However, this podcast is obviously hilarious from start to finish.)
Show notes below…
Referenced links with timestamp:
(5:02) CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide
(10:28) Extremists On Left, Right Eliminate Each Other In Violent Clash, Nation’s Problems Finally Over
(16:21) YouTube To Run All Potentially Offensive Content Past Easily Spooked Possum
(20:36) Topic of the Week: Civil Discourse
(40:51) Hate Mail: Android hate mail!
(49:59) Paid Subscriber Portion
(52:57) Husband Daycare Now Available At All Hobby Lobby Locations
(1:00:12) Hipster Church Introduces Vape Organ
(1:05:31) Do you ever feel despair over our current political and cultural situation?
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